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Research News about Lifestyle - Archive


Stay safe online - The thinkuknow website

Effects of video-game ownership on young boys' academic and behavioral functioning

Children and their pets: Exploring the relationships between pet ownership, pet attitudes, attachment to pets and empathy

From the U.S. - Ask the Mediatrician: media and kids' health

Adolescent screen time and attachment to parents and peers

Children and their pets: Exploring the relationships between pet ownership, pet attitudes, attachment to pets and empathy

From the U.S. - - Internet safety for teenagers

Addiction, the Internet and depression

Awareness of the implications of tattoo removal among 4,277 Italian secondary school adolescents

The Choking Game and YouTube

Privacy on the Internet: Attitudes and behaviours

To tweet, or not to tweet: Gender differences and potential positive and negative health outcomes of adolescents’ social Internet use



Stay safe online - The thinkuknow website

Health promotion in the Girl Scouts

Can changes in parenting explain the rise in adolescent problem behaviour?

Mobile phone radiation health risk controversy: the reliability and sufficiency of science behind the safety standards

Get Safe Online

Use of the Internet as a source of health information by Spanish adolescents

Perceived connections between information and communication technology use and mental symptoms among young adults

Aspects of health, physical/leisure activities, work and socio-demographics associated with pet ownership in Sweden

The association between use of electronic media and prevalence of headache in adolescents

Size of brain structures predicts success on video games



Stay safe online - The thinkuknow website

Sleep and the transition to adolescence

Roles of parental sleep/wake patterns and daytime activities in the sleep/wake patterns of children

Injury incidence among Chinese school children

Adolescents with two nonresident biological parents: Living arrangements, parental involvement, and well-being

Youths’ caretaking of their adolescent sisters’ children

Early adolescent romantic partner status, peer standing, and problem behaviors

Early initiation of alcohol drinking, cigarette smoking, and sexual intercourse linked to suicidal ideation and attempts: findings from the 2006 Korean Youth Risk Behavior Survey

Get Safe Online

Coming of age online: The developmental underpinnings of girls’ blogs

Examining trends in adolescent environmental attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors across three decades

When is happiness about how much you earn? The effect of hourly payment on the money—happiness connection

"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all": coping with interpersonal tensions in the parent-child relationship during adulthood.

Starting your own business weblinks -



Stay safe online - The thinkuknow website

Chemicals used in plastics and children’s masculine or feminine play habits

Contact between grandchildren and their grandparents in early adulthood

Youth Club Activities - a small group activity to explore attitudes to risk-taking and promote discussion

Characteristics of Internet use of Chinese addictive Elementary and Middle school students and its influence on Internet addiction

Half of secondary school girls considering cosmetic surgery, Guides study finds
The Guides survey

Internet-related behavior characteristics of Chinese adolescents with Internet addiction

'Computer screen pop-ups may slow down your work more than you think'

Tanning is a (Psychological) Cure for Death - Psychological research indicates sun-tanning reduces death-anxiety

Games and recovery: The use of video and computer games to recuperate from stress and strain.

Relationships between internet addiction,coping style and life events among Chinese teenagers

Students' Facebook 'friends': public and private spheres

Norwegian children's experiences of cyberbullying when using different technological platforms

Australian school students and part-time work

Gender differences in European children's Internet use



Safer online with the CEOP Report button

Using mobile phones and the long-term risks

Girls’ Attitudes survey – Girlguiding UK’s comprehensive study of the views and opinions of girls aged 7-21 across the UK

Television viewing, computer use, and BMI among U.S. children and adolescents

Children and their pets: Exploring the relationships between pet ownership, attitudes, attachment and empathy.

Get Safe Online

Health-promoting lifestyles of university students in Mainland China

Youth work in a digital age

"The Internet is better than real life" - videos from TrueTube



Childnet's Know IT All for Primary Schools

Television viewing, computer use, and BMI among U.S. children and adolescents

Young children's video/computer game use: Relations with school performance and behavior

Do parental co-viewing and discussions mitigate TV-induced fears in young children?

"...there is little evidence that having a working mother during infancy harms a child's mental development or adversely affects its behaviour."

"Childhood overweight may be more common in the children of employed mothers and there are indications of an increase with increased hours per week of maternal employment

Get Safe Online

How do children develop their aesthetic sensibility?

Influence of television advertising on adolescents in China

Managing physical and sexual assault risk in urban nightlife

Identity consolidation and health risk behaviors in college students.

'Digital Lifestyles: Young adults aged 16-24'

Television news, current affairs and young people: The problem of 'Disconnection'

Conspicuous consumption patterns of Turkish youth: case of cellular phones



Ten tips for involving families through Internet-based communication

Designing Mobile Phones for Children – Is there a Difference?

Children's E-books Go Interactive

Access, attitudes and the digital divide: children's attitudes towards computers in a technology-rich environment

Cost-effectiveness of active transport for primary school children - Walking School Bus program

Young people : attitudes to home and family

The spiritual revolution and suicidal ideation: an empirical enquiry among 13- to 15-year-old adolescents in England and Wales

Offline social ties and online use of computers: A study of disabled youth and their use of ICT advances

32,000 young people and their health-related behaviour

The virtual census: representations of gender, race and age in video games

Grafting, going to college and working on road: youth transitions and cultures in an East London neighbourhood

Use of the Internet for health information: A study of Australians and New Zealanders

Young people are often coerced into working on conservation projects against their will

Problematic Internet use among people who play massively-multiplayer online games

Teenagers and music induced hearing loss



Primary pupils' use of information and communication technologies at school and home

Women are more likely than men to follow the parenting practices of their mothers

Televisions in the bedrooms of racial/ethnic minority children: How did they get there and how do we get them out?

Two-year follow-up in 21,784 overweight children and adolescents with lifestyle intervention

Lifestyles and Social Participation: Young Adults Today - Data on the lives of young adults aged 16-25 (1Mb pdf)



Childnet's Know IT All for Primary Schools

Vigorboards at St Helens ... and ... video

TeenLifeCheck goes nationwide

Eye-tracking software opens online worlds to people with disabilities

What prompts young people to take positive action to promote sustainable development?

Computer game competition in Dundee

Association between attendance at religious services and self-reported health in 22 European countries

Two-year follow-up overweight adolescents with lifestyle intervention



Language use decreases in young children and caregivers when TV is on

SuperClubsPLUS is a Safe Social Learning Network where 6-12 year olds can meet friends across the UK and around the world, be creative, have fun and learn ICT, Literacy and Global Citizenship together.

New system of video games classification will help protect children

Latest news about computer viruses

Research into adolescents' out-of-school activities

Boys may be more inclined towards gangs and violence because of genes

Caffeine-fueled teenagers are texting, Web-surfing and gaming for hours into the night, which is affecting their alertness and ability to function during the day

Half (51%) of juvenile domestic assault offenders in the U.S. victimised a parent

Family-Based program helps youth avoid risky behavior

Breath test shows if it is OK to kiss

A study of sleep and activity found overweight people tended to sleep less and be more active than their skinnier counter

Videogames for Health conference

Lifestyle changes can alter the effect of genetics

Playing video games can make you a better person
Article: The Effects of Prosocial Video Games on Prosocial Behaviors



Learning programming through fashion and design: a pilot summer course in wearable computing for middle school students

Screen media time usage of 12–16 year-old Spanish school adolescences

The younger generation uses the Internet in a more concentrated way and was exposed to more negative content online

Urban Chinese youth and the Internet cafe

The Taking Part survey

20,000 school leavers a year to undertake full time community service alongside training

Paid work and delinquency in adolescence

Behind closed doors - in China some residents rent out apartments to students who want to get away from their dorm lives and enjoy some privacy

The ways that young people are leveraging social media to build networks and magnify their voice



Latest news about computer viruses

Baroness Susan Greenfield's Women of the Year 2009 Lecture - "The impact of current technology on the mind of the 21st Century child"

Action video games improve vision

There are now just as many girls as boys joining the Scouts

Typeonline - free typing tutorial

40% of pupils admit that they have Internet “chat buddies” who they do not know in real life

Online computer gaming: Advice for parents and teachers

Gap between parents’ perceptions and children’s actual Internet online activities

Parents always on the phone to their children

Pathological patterns of video game addiction exist in a U.S. national sample of youth, aged 8 to 18


The above links concern young people's (5-16+ year old's) health and behaviour chosen, over the last 12 months, from our databanks and the Internet .
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