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Research News about Drugs - Archive


Household smoking and dental caries in schoolchildren

Can attending preschool reduce the risk of tobacco smoking in adulthood? The effects of Kindergarten Union participation in South Australia.

The role of family background on cigarette smoking among adolescent school children in Slovakia

The role of parental alcohol-specific communication in early adolescents' alcohol use

Determinants of resilience to cigarette smoking among young Australians at risk

Use of fake identification to purchase alcohol amongst 15-16 year olds: a cross-sectional survey examining alcohol access, consumption and harm

Controlling alcohol-related global health problems

Recent trends in exposure to secondhand smoke in the United States



Parental smoking and pretend smoking in young children

The 'Strengthening Families programme' in Wales
The 'Strengthening Families program'

Corner shopkeepers believe a ban on tobacco displays in shops could directly threaten the viability of their business.

Parent knowledge, attitudes, and household practices regarding second-hand smoke exposure: A case-control study of urban children with and without asthma

The social context of drunkenness in mid-adolescence

Adolescent attributes and young adult smoking cessation behavior

Shops still selling cigarettes to children

A telephone survey of parental attitudes and behaviours regarding teenage drinking

Biomarker evaluation of Greek adolescents’ exposure to secondhand smoke

Gender and family differences in adolescent's heavy alcohol use

Nicotine replacement therapy use among adolescent smokers seeking cessation treatment

An analysis of the drinking trends of school age children in Sunderland

Will a minimum price for alcohol reduce binge drinking?

Understanding adolescent caffeine use: Connecting use patterns with expectancies, reasons, and sleep

Protective influences on the negative consequences of drinking among youth

Cigarette smoking increases the risk of symptoms of depression

Does drinking red wine help protect your eyesight?



Smoking and genes

10-11 year olds and their main contact for discussions about drugs - data since 1998 show a declining trend from 'parents' and a rising trend from 'teachers'

Children living in apartments with non-smoking adults still exposed to secondhand smoke

89% of 10-11 year olds girls say they don't think they will smoke when they are older (48% of 14-15 year olds girls report having never smoked)

Parents’ and children’s self-report of parenting factors: How much do they agree and which is more strongly associated with early adolescent alcohol use?

Exposure to smoking in movies among British adolescents 2001–2006

A fifth of teenage drinkers are never asked for ID

12-15 year olds, their experience of cannabis and the moves from Class B to C and back to B

Changes in sensation seeking and risk-taking propensity predict increases in alcohol use among early adolescents

Cost-effectiveness analysis of the Not On Tobacco program for adolescent smoking cessation

14-15 yr. old males - fewer are drinking beer or lager but 'drinkers' are consuming more

Interventions for reducing adolescent alcohol abuse

Camel no. 9 cigarette-marketing campaign targeted young U.S. teenage girls

Seminar on Youth drinking and binge drinking - 12 presentations

Changes in alcohol consumption and beverage preference among adolescents after the introduction of the alcopops tax in Germany

38% of 14-15 yr. olds think that cannabis ' safe if used properly'

‘Communicative fathers’ help reduce teenage smoking

Wine 'does not boost heart health'

The family experience of adolescents with an addicted parent



Interplay of network position and peer substance use in early adolescent cigarette, alcohol, and marijuana use

Trends: Young People and Illegal Drugs 1987-2008 - A report from SHEU

Do 'good values' lead to 'good' health-behaviours? Longitudinal associations between young people's values and later substance-use

Tobacco use and related factors among pre-university students in a college in Bangalore, India

Childhood sleep problems, response inhibition, and alcohol and drug outcomes in adolescence and young adulthood

Adolescent alcohol consumption and risk of benign breast disease in young women

Peer substance use overestimation among French university students

Comparative responses to radio and television anti-smoking advertisements to encourage smoking cessation

Education, alcohol use and abuse among young adults in Britain

Will increasing alcohol availability by lowering the minimum legal drinking age decrease drinking and related consequences among youths?

Drinking to have fun and to get drunk: Motives as predictors of weekend drinking over and above usual drinking habits



Predicting the life-time benefit of school-based smoking prevention programmes

A call for smoking to be banned in all vehicles, parks and play areas

The science of why girls can't drink alcohol like boys

Exposure to smoking in movies

An integrated framework for the analysis of adolescent cigarette smoking in middle school Latino youth

Parental communication appears not to be an effective strategy to reduce smoking in a sample of Dutch adolescents

Does the “Healthy Immigrant Effect” Extend to Smoking in Immigrant Children?

Street-wise? Substance use in town and country as reported by young people

School-based interventions to prevent smoking: slide set

Knowledge of substance abuse among High School students in Jordan

Adolescent alcohol and illicit drug use among first- and second-generation immigrants in Sweden

Media campaign effectiveness in promoting a smoking-cessation program

Wine and women's weight

Young people and alcohol in Italy

Consumer and health literacy: The need to better design tobacco-cessation product packaging, labels, and inserts

Smoking prevents Alzheimer's? It depends who you ask

Mephedrone study documents rise of ‘legal high’



'Third-hand smoke' that lingers on things such as clothes and furnishings can be dangerous

Being 'DrugAware' in Nottingham

Adverse childhood experiences are associated with the risk of lung cancer

A report about mephedrone ( "Meow meow")

A qualitative comparison of parent and adolescent views regarding substance use

Household environmental tobacco smoke and risks of asthma, wheeze and bronchitic symptoms among children in Taiwan

Are adverse childhood experiences associated with an increased risk of lung cancer during adulthood?

Taiwanese adolescents and their experience of running away from home and substances use

In a U.S. national youth sample, the propensity to use substances was more strongly related to motor vehicle crashes than use of any specific substance

Emotional, behavioural problems and cigarette smoking in Greek adolescents

Substance use among late adolescent urban youths: Mental health and gender influences

Protective factors for adolescent substance use in Hungary

Lack of sleep and drug use

U.S. survey finds significant racial differences in lung cancer beliefs

Public attitudes towards cannabis toughens and a majority think cannabis should remain illegal



Smoking and ageing

'Our mother's drinking was wrecking us'

Primary School resources from Australia

Key points in preventing tobacco use among adolescents

Reasons for non-participation in a parental program concerning underage drinking

Keeping New Zealand kids smokefree: lessons learned on community participation

How do young people from different countries compare on drink, tobacco and cannabis?

Use of small incentives for increasing participation and reducing dropout in a family drug-use prevention program in Spain

A retrospective maternal report of alcohol consumption in pregnancy predicts pregnancy and teen outcomes

Temperamental risk factors for adolescent cannabis use

Identifying patterns in partnership with students who want to quit smoking

Cracking down on youth tobacco may influence drug use

Smoking and drinking among college students: “It’s a package deal”

Substance use among university and middle school students in China

Blogging as ‘therapy’? Exploring personal technologies for smoking cessation

Geographic clustering of underage drinking in the U.S. and the influence
of community characteristics

Young people and drugs: Next generation of harm reduction

Intentions to quit smoking among youth in substance abuse treatment



Changes in child exposure to secondhand smoke after implementation of smoke-free legislation in Wales.

Does physical abuse in early childhood predict substance use in adolescence and early adulthood?

Estimates of the number of children living with substance misusing parents: results from UK national household surveys

Relationship between alcohol use and violent behavior among urban African American youths from adolescence to emerging adulthood

Drugs: Guidance for Schools - Become part of the consultation process

Script representation of alcohol-related aggression in underage drinkers

Marijuana and alcohol accounted for 80% of all primary substances of abuse for U.S. females, aged 12 to 17, admitted for treatment

Density of tobacco retailers near U.S. schools: effects on tobacco use among students

Smoking and Young People - research in 2009 (via ASH Scotland)

Youth smoking status: perceptions versus measurements

Strong ‘skunk’ and psychosis

The state of the drugs problem in Europe (p.44 in report - Cannabis use among UK 16-24 yr.olds continues to fall)

Prevalence and correlates of alcohol and other substance use disorders in Finnish young adults

Red wine may prevent tooth decay

Young people, alcohol and the news

Social-cognitive beliefs, alcohol, and tobacco use: a prospective community study of change following a ban on smoking in public places

Breaking binge drinking habits is about recognising that not all drinkers are the same

Cannabis as a substitute for alcohol and other drugs

Higher alcohol intake - prevents or encourages chronic heart disease?

Interest in marijuana treatment programs among teenage smokers and nonsmokers



"Untold damage: children’s accounts of living with harmful parental drinking"

"...between 3.4-3.5 million children live with at least one binge-drinking parent"

Teachers have been given new powers to search pupils for drugs, alcohol and stolen goods in a bid to tackle bad behaviour in the classroom.

'Smoking among Dutch elementary schoolchildren: gender-specific predictors'

Associations between smoking and extreme dieting among U.S. adolescents

Turkish high school students' attitudes toward addictive substances: Association with perceived parental attitudes

An ecological system approach to adolescent smoking behavior

Adolescents' perceptions of smoking and stress reduction

Self-medication among children and adolescents in Germany: results of the National Health Survey for Children and Adolescents

Factors related to adolescent drinking in Appalachia.

U.S. Sixth grade students who use alcohol: Do we need primary prevention programs for "Tweens"?

Growth in alcohol use in at-risk adolescent boys: two-part random effects prediction models.

The impact of social influence on adolescent intention to smoke: Combining types and referents of influence.

If parents establish a no-smoking agreement with their offspring, does this prevent adolescents from smoking? Findings from three Dutch studies

Teenage drinking, alcohol availability and pricing: a cross-sectional study of risk and protective factors for alcohol-related harms in school children

Contribution of parental and school personnel smoking to health risk behaviours among Finnish adolescents

Debunking the claim that abstinence is usually healthier for smokers than switching to a low-risk alternative, and other observations about anti-tobacco-harm-reduction arguments

Children, young people and alcohol: how they learn and how to prevent excessive use

Sex differences in reinforcing value of caffeinated beverages in adolescents

The motivational context for mandated alcohol interventions for U.S. college students by gender and family history



D.A.R.E. officers use a drug dealers car as a teaching tool

Award winning drugs education in Australian schools

A U.S. guide for drug-free parties for 10 - 11 years old

Women finding solutions to binge drinking - YWCA conference report

Practical ideas for teaching drug and alcohol education in the primary school - Birmingham Health Education Service Courses

U.S. 2008 National Survey on Drug Use and Health

New counter-school cultures: female students' drug use at a high-achieving secondary school

Race/ethnicity, socioeconomic factors, and smoking among early adolescent girls in the U.S.

U.S. teenage smoking-cessation trial is the first to achieve significant increase in prolonged quit rates

Associations between smoking and media literacy in U.S. college students

Alcohol control policies and alcohol consumption by youth: a multi-national study.

The influence of tobacco marketing on adolescent smoking intentions via normative beliefs

Over 5000 litres of alcohol confiscated from teenagers over the summer

How does exposure to cigarette advertising contribute to smoking in adolescents? The role of the developing self-concept and identification with advertising models.



Blueprint Drugs Education: The response of pupils and parents to the programme
Blueprint - not robust

Under the influence: The damaging effect of alcohol marketing on young people

Young people : attitudes to legal and illicit drugs

Saints not sinners? Young people bucking the trend of binge drinking. An analysis of the drinking trends of school age children in Sunderland

School-based interventions to prevent smoking: consultation on the draft guidance

Skipping school and using drugs: A brief report

120 children were treated for drug addiction in Northern Ireland

Bridging the gap between evidence and practice: A multi-perspective examination of real-world drug education

Urban adolescents' reflections on brief substance use treatment, social networks, and self-narratives

Young smokers' adaptation to higher cigarette prices: How did those daily smokers who did not quit react? The case of students of South-Eastern France

Young Australians and the staging of intoxication and self-control

Use of smokeless tobacco and risk of myocardial infarction and stroke

'The Importance of Family Dinners V' - the link between the frequency of family dinners and teenagers’ substance use

Young adult smoking behavior: Implications for future population health

Anxiety and depression among abstainers and low-level alcohol consumers

Youth smoking status: perceptions versus measurements



Children's alcohol initiation: An analytic overview

The effect of maternal smoking during pregnancy on intellectual disabilities among 8-year-old children

Book: What your kids really want and need to know about alcohol and drugs

Ronnie Purslow is a remarkable man - from drinking at 12 and locked up at 13

Over-the-counter and prescription medication use among US children <12 years of age

Parental occupation, family affluence and adolescent health behaviour in 28 countries

Scotland's drug education programme 'Choices for Life' plans to focus on warning pupils about the dangers of alcohol and cannabis rather than class A drugs such as cocaine and heroin.

The soundtrack of substance use: music preference and adolescent smoking and drinking.

New edition of the BNF (British National Formulary ) for Children

Exposure to tobacco on the Internet: Content analysis of adolescents' Internet use

Adult versus adolescent onset of smoking: how are mood disorders and other risk factors involved?

Cannabis and mental health: This paper investigates whether cannabis use leads to worse mental health

Inexcess - Video Archive: Personal Stories (Inspiring stories of people who beat drug addiction)



The number of under 12 year-olds receiving drug rehabilitation treatment (2007/08)

Approximately 30% of children under-16 years (3.4 - 3.5 million) in the UK lived with at least one binge-drinking parent

The number of children being admitted to hospital as a result of drug poisoning

Can religion counteract the spread of narcotics abuse among Russian young people?

Why does cannabis potency matter?

How might schools influence young people's drug use?

‘Act on Smoking’ – an innovative preventative tool for young people

Introducing a successful peer-led smoking cessation programme into Tower Hamlets schools

A profile of adolescent cocaine use in Northern Ireland

Early initiation of tobacco use in adolescent girls: key sociostructural influences

The association between smoking onset and exposure to movie smoking according to character type.

Men are worried that drinking too much alcohol will affect their appearance

Young people and smoking – evidence on what works in prevention and cessation

Social norms interventions to reduce alcohol misuse in university and college students

Smoking, culture and working class young people: why is it still cool to smoke?


The above links concern young people's (5-16+ year old's) health and behaviour chosen, over the last 12 months, from our databanks and the Internet .
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