"On behalf of all the health promoters in Scotland I would like to say a big thank to you and your colleagues for your excellent work over the years. This includes not only your survey work but your role as a visiting examiner in Scotland and adviser on course development."
Tribute from a Health Commissioner to John Balding, presented at his retirement lunch, May 2005
Report on bullying
In 1997 we produced a report on bullying. This is now out-of-date and your best resource now is our report Trends: Emotional Health and Well-being, which includes substantial material about bullying. You can find the most recent bullying figures in our latest Young People into... report
You can also search this site for material about bullying in two ways:
* search for all pages tagged with bullying by SHEU, by clicking on the 'bullying' tag below
* search for all pages containing the word 'bullying' using the search button, top right