"The Schools Health Education Unit is the jewel in the crown of the Health Education Authority." Major General Sir John Acland 1928 - 2006
Planning PSHE in your school
SHEU : nationally-recognised, since 1977, as the specialist provider of reliable local survey data about young people's health and wellbeing |
For recent PSHE news please visit ... https://www.pshe-association.org.uk/ For recent SRE news please visit ... http://www.sexeducationforum.org.uk/%5Chome.aspx Nicky Morgan's bright blue speech [Mar 10 2015] "Preparing young people for life in modern Britain" Why teach PSHE and SRE in schools? To help understand how Parliament/Private Members' Bills etc. works .... Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education Bill 2014-15 Sex and Relationships Education (Curriculum) Bill 2014-15 House of Commons - Bill passage First Reading House of Commons - Bill passage Second Reading |
WHAT CAN A TEACHER EXPECT ...? Why #pshe lessons are important ... http://bit.ly/1ruiqTA School Health Research
Spring 2014 ..."All schools must publish their school curriculum by subject and academic year, including their provision of personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE)" Publishing the curriculum Spring 2014 (DfE) |
"As a Deputy Head in a large secondary school I was involved in taking part in a city wide health and wellbeing survey over a period of six years. Completing the survey every two years grew in importance year on year, with the final cycle having a major impact on our SDP, PHSE curriculum, Ofsted outcomes and governor understanding. Over the six year period we moved from a small sample in two tutor groups filling in a paper survey to two year groups completing an online survey. The reports produced give graphical analysis of a wide range of issues. As a result of the survey we increased the number of PSHE workshop days for students to address issues such as smoking, drug and alcohol awareness, anti-bullying workshops. The surveys helped Governors make a positive informed decision to allow Brook Advisory Clinic nurses on site to support students. As a result of taking part and using the evidence provided we were able to offer more support for students which had a direct impact on improved attendance and outcomes." Deputy Head Secondary School “The (SHEU survey) helped us to prioritise where we needed to be in terms of PSHE education. We delivered assemblies based on the evidence as well as curriculum development, and dealt with whole school issues – particularly in regard to pastoral care. The answers received to the question on the survey “Who are you most likely to approach if you needed help” worried staff as “teacher” was not a popular answer. Subsequently the staff asked themselves why this had happened and what needed to be done to address the issue. There was more emphasis on wider aspects of PSHE education delivery, which needed more attention. To summarise, the (SHEU survey) allows the PSHE department to assess the impact of teaching and learning and modify future lessons accordingly. It allows our school to look at whole school issues such as the extent to which the pastoral care system is meeting the needs of our pupils. It helps us to do need analysis of our pupils. It helps to provide important evidence for SEF / the extent to which we are meeting wellbeing indicators / National Healthy School standards.” Secondary School Head |
... it's up to you now ..." ...The Education Committee announces an inquiry into Personal, Social, Health and Economic education and Sex and Relationships Education in schools. ..." (April 2014) "...Not yet good enough: personal, social, health and economic education in schools... " Ofsted reports on PSHE and materials for schools (May 2013) "... PSHE is a non-statutory subject. To allow teachers the flexibility to deliver high quality PSHE we consider it unnecessary to provide new standardised frameworks or programmes of study. Teachers are best placed to understand the needs of their pupils and do not need additional central prescription..." "It should be for teachers, not the government, to design the lessons and the experiences that will engage pupils ...reflecting their pupils’ interests and local circumstances." Nick Gibb, Schools Minister from May 2010 until September 2012 "Sex education 'could be better' ...Lessons about sex, relationships and health are not good enough in 25% of schools in England ..." Ofsted report July 2010 "...The recent review of sex and relationships education (SRE) in schools reported that the provision of SRE was patchy and that many young people were not receiving the support they need to make safe and responsible choices about sex and relationships. As a consequence, we have taken the decision, subject to public consultation, to make Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education (including SRE) statutory..." Beverly Hughes, Minister for Children, Families & Young People, June 2009 |
SHEU’s view, developed over 30 years, is that the best way to explore pupils' circumstances with a view to planning PSHE provision is with a local, anonymous, survey of health and lifestyles. Have a look at the detailed book of tables and a comparison report your school will receive following a survey. [Click on the thumbnails for a larger version.] |
"We were talking about (the SHEU survey) data at our conference, for PSHE advisers and consultants. Colleagues shared their very positive experiences of (the survey). |
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Find out more about SHEU surveys |
Comments from PSHE colleagues and others about SHEU services |
CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE AND THEIR HEALTH AND WELLBEING #SHEUres research links, updated monthly, about young people's health and wellbeing |
SHEUBytes Nuggets of information supplemented with Internet links |
LITERATURE SEARCH RESOURCE Research topics include: SRE, Sleep problems, Smoking, Phys. Activity and Acad. Achievement |
HEALTH AND WELLBEING ARCHIVE 3 age groups and 8 topics including Food, Drugs, Exercise, Health etc. |
EDUCATION & HEALTH journal and ARCHIVE Latest issue plus all articles, since 1983, from the journal |
YOUNG PEOPLE REPORTS Annual reports from 2000 about Young People's health-related behaviour |
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SHEU FREE PSHE Resources : Send an Email to a Colleague |
How will smoking affect your appearance? NHS Choices