Who commissions SHEU surveys?
SHEU surveys have been commissioned by:

  • Healthy School Managers and Co-ordinators
  • Joint Education/Public Health commissioning groups
  • Local Authorities
  • Local Partnerships to promote Physical Activity
  • Former Drug Action Teams

as well as individual schools and colleges.
Who completes SHEU surveys?
We have surveyed almost everyone:

  • Pupils and Students
  • Parents and Carers 
  • Staff in Schools and the NHS
  • young people NEET
  • employers of young people

What questions can we ask?
We have a variety of off-the-shelf questionnaires, from short pupils perceptions surveys to longer lifestyle surveys, and we can customise each of them to make sure you are asking exactly the questions for which you need answers.
How much does it cost?
Costs can be reduced by using a shorter questionnaire, asking fewer subjects, doing the survey online and using an existing questionnaire.

  • To do an off-the-shelf 4-sides-of A4 questionnaire with 60 pupils in 10 primary schools online might be around £500+VAT.
  • To do a customised 20-sides-of A4 questionnaire with 8000 pupils in 30 secondary schools on paper will cost over £20,000+VAT.

These estimates are inclusive: all posting, registration, reports for schools,,
The only thing we charge for separately is writing a custom report with you.  It's hard to predict how much this will cost, depending on how long and how detailed you want the report to be.  To see what sort of reports you can receive, see our Reports page.
We can organise printing for you; we do not add a handling fee but pass on the amount on the printer's bill.
How quickly can it all happen?
We can put up an existing questionnaire for completion on our website in a few minutes, but a more typical timescale for a district-wide survey is about six months from start to finish:

  1. Study design agreed: number of schools, number of pupils in each school
  2. Questionnaire content agreed
  3. Schools contacted
  4. Seminars arranged
  5. Survey conducted in schools online and on paper
  6. Paper questionnaires processed
  7. Reports returned to schools
  8. Reports returned to commissioners

Can I see an example questionnaire and an example report?
Of course: just give us a call or email.
To discuss your survey requirements, contact Angela Balding on (01392) 66 72 72 or email.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Online survey: clear, friendly, responsive

Responses from questionnaires are stored in our databanks

Pupils and students can still complete on paper, if you prefer

Questionnaires are fetched by secure courier and logged in the SHEU offices

Questions are composed collaboratively with clients and designed with the pupils and students in mind
