Education and Health journal Archive

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Judith Rodwell and Sarah Grogan. 2014. Parents’ Perspectives on the Good Childhood Report 2013:  A Qualitative Study. Education and Health 32(3),88-92. PDF

David Evans. 2013. SRE - Not yet good enough: Can scripts bridge the training gap? Education and Health 31(4),102-105. PDF

Alison Leah Williams, Sarah Grogan, Emily Buckley and David Clark-Carter. 2013. British adolescents’ experiences of an appearance-focussed facial-ageing sun protection intervention: a qualitative study. Education and Health 31(4),97-101. PDF

Glyn Owen. 2013. Teaching cooking at Ashton Vale Primary. Education and Health 31(4),93-96. PDF

Tim Baker and Nicholas Shelley. 2013. Charlton Manor’s Food Journey. Education and Health 31(4),90-92. PDF

Leila Harris. 2013. Food for thought. Education and Health 31(4),88-89. PDF

Mark D. Griffiths. 2013. Adolescent gambling via social networking sites: A brief overview. Education and Health 31(4),84-87. PDF

Nyanda McBride, Michael McKay and Harry Sumnall. 2013. SHAHRP: School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project – Developments in Australia and the UK. Education and Health 31(4),79-83. PDF

Paul Gately, Claire Curtis and Rachel Hardaker. 2013. An evaluation in UK schools of a classroom-based physical activity programme - TAKE 10! ®: A qualitative analysis of the teachers' perspective. Education and Health 31(4),72-78. PDF

Charlotte Taylor, Penney Upton and Dominic Upton. 2013. Can a school-based intervention increase fruit and vegetable consumption for children with Autism? Education and Health 31(3),95-98. PDF

Michal Tombs, Kimberley Johnson and Philip J. Tyson. 2013. The benefits of physical activity for cognitive functioning in a student population. Education and Health 31(3),84-90. PDF

Alisa Stanton, Vitaliy Chernenko, Rosie Dhaliwal, Merv Gilbert, Elliot M. Goldner, Carolyn Harrison, Wayne Jones and Martin Mroz. 2013. Building healthy campus communities: The adaptation of a workplace tool to understand better student wellbeing within higher education settings. Education and Health 31(3),84-90. PDF

Michelle S. Springer. 2013. Swimming Against the Tide – Establishing a Wellbeing Curriculum. Education and Health 31(3),79-83. PDF

Mark D. Griffiths. 2013. Adolescent mobile phone addiction: A cause for concern? Education and Health 31(3),76-78. PDF

Katrina Wyatt and Jennifer Lloyd. 2013. Development of a novel, school located, obesity prevention programme, the Healthy Lifestyles Programme (HeLP). Education and Health 31(2),89-95. PDF


Allison Ford, Crawford Moodie, Anne Marie MacKintosh and Gerard Hastings. 2013. How adolescents perceive cigarette packaging and possible benefits of plain packaging. Education and Health 31(2),83-88. PDF


Michelle Bell and Wayne Usher. 2013. Interpreting the mental health crisis in Australia’s Gold Coast primary schools. Education and Health 31(2),77-82. PDF


Alison McInnes and David Blackwell. 2013. Self-reported drinking behaviour of school age children in Sunderland over a fourteen-year period. Education and Health 31(2),67-76. PDF


Leila Harris. 2013. Healthy lifestyles: ‘Styling a healthier life’. Education and Health 31(2),65-66. PDF


Anthony Seldon. 2013. Why the development of good character matters more than the passing of exams. Education and Health 31(2),59-64. PDF


Mohammad Al-Motlaq and Kenneth Sellick. 2013. Primary school teachers’ asthma knowledge and confidence in managing children with asthma. Education and Health 31(2),53-58. PDF

Louise Croft, Luis Gracia-Marco and Richard Winsley. 2013. Should we be giving children choices about their health: Engaging University students in complex health questions? Education and Health 31(3),72-75. PDF

Luísa Campos. 2013. Commentary on the paper by Livingston et al., ‘Evaluation of a campaign to improve awareness and attitudes of young people towards mental health issues’. Education and Health 31(1),45-50. PDF

James D. Livingston. 2013. Mass media campaigns as signals of social movements : Response to the commentaries on the paper, ‘Evaluation of a campaign to improve awareness and attitudes of young people towards mental health issues’. Education and Health 31(1),51-54. PDF

Debra Rickwood. 2013. Make it personal: Commentary on the paper by Livingston et al., ‘Evaluation of a campaign to improve awareness and attitudes of young people towards mental health issues’. Education and Health 31(1),36-40. PDF


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