Natalie Collyer and Richard Essery. 2012. Commentary on the conception rates for under 16 year olds from 1969-2009. Education and Health 30(2),25-27. PDF
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David Paton. 2012. Underage conceptions and abortions in England and Wales 1969-2009: the role of public policy. Education and Health 30(2),22-24. PDF |
Campbell,T Beer,H Wilkins,R Parrett,N Jauslin,L 2009. 'Sex, love and one-night stands: getting the relationship you want': Evaluation of a sexual health workshop for HIV+ young people, Education and Health 27(2),23-27 PDF |
Dunne,M O'Neill,M Friel,M 2009. Improving Emotional Health and Wellbeing through peer support - A programme in the Western Health and Social Care Trust is helping young people become peer educators,. Education and Health 27(1),18-19. PDF |
Griffiths,MD 2009. Online computer gaming: Advice for parents and teachers,. Education and Health 27(1),3-6. PDF |
Limmer,M 2009. Young men and pornography: Meeting the challenge through Sex and Relationships Education,. Education and Health 27(1),6-9. PDF |
Aleixo,P Norris,CE 2009. Moral reasoning development and classroom discipline,. Education and Health 27(1),9-12. PDF |
Griffiths,MD King,D Delfabbro,P 2009. Adolescent gambling-like experiences: Are they a cause for concern?. Education and Health 27(2),27-30. PDF |
Davies,G 2009. The Young Leaders project: UK sexual health project of the year,. Education and Health 27(2),31-32. PDF |
Jones,M 2009. Personal, social, and health education in changing times; a view from Ofsted,. Education and Health 27(2),33-35. PDF |
The Australian National Council on Drugs 2009. Drug testing in Australian schools: evidence, impacts and alternatives,. Education and Health 27(2),36-39. PDF |
Brown,A 2009. Drug testing pupils,. Education and Health 27(2),39-40. PDF |
Hester,JR McKenna,J Gately,PJ 2009. Discussing Lifestyle Behaviours with Obese Children,. Education and Health 27(3),62-66. PDF |
Castledine,H 2009. If young people 'get it on' can we lower the teenage conception rate?. Education and Health 27(1),16-18. PDF |
Oker,C 2009. Talk2YourTeen magazine: part of a campaign in response to findings of a sex and relationships survey,. Education and Health 27(1),13-16. PDF |
Smith,H Grogan,S Davey,R Cochrane,T 2009. Developing a Successful Physical Activity Intervention in Primary Schools,. Education and Health 27(3),67-70. PDF |
Regis,D 2009. Social Norms and health promotion,. Education and Health 27(3),71-72. PDF |
Sutton,M 2009. Providing healthy, safe learning environments should be on the agenda for all FE colleges,. Education and Health 27(3),73. PDF |
Philip,K Spratt,J Shucksmith,J Weare,K 2009. The school as a location for the promotion and support of mental health,. Education and Health 27(3),74-75. PDF |
Murray,L 2009. The Peer Activities in Sexual Health young people's peer education project,. Education and Health 27(3),76. PDF |
Aleixo,P Norris,CE 2009. Sports Days, Competition and Self-esteem in Primary Schools,. Education and Health 27(3),78-80. PDF |
Kearney,J 2009. Healthy Schools Pupil panel - voices for change,. Education and Health 27(4),83-84. PDF |
Gerouki,M 2009. The sexual child - researching teachers' experiences,. Education and Health 27(4),84-85. PDF |
Worrall,C Law,C 2009. The North West Further Education Project: The Mental Health & Well-being of Learners aged 14-19,. Education and Health 27(4),86-90. PDF |
Regis,D 2009. Experiences of young people with different sexual or gender identity,. Education and Health 27(4),91-95. PDF |