Education and Health journal Archive

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Zachary,L 2008. All salted?' Reducing salt intake in young parents and their children - Project summary. Education and Health 26(4)80. PDF

Gehring,A Donaldson,C 2008. HPV vaccination: why education is the key to ensuring it is a public health success. Education and Health 26(4)77-79. PDF

Emmerson,L 2008. National Mapping Survey of On-site Sexual Health Services in Education Settings: Provision in FE and sixth-form colleges. Education and Health 26(4). PDF

SHEU 2008. Trends from 1983: Young People - Food and Smoking. Education and Health 26(4) 69-71. PDF

Canvin,K 2008. "There is a person behind the flab!": Young people speak out about their weight problems. Education and Health 26(4)72-73. PDF

Johnson,A 2008. Girls matter and so do boys: Emotional literacy,. Education and Health 26(1),18. PDF

Chell,P 2008. Colleges broadly in-support of a national healthy colleges programme,. Education and Health 26(1),19. PDF

Wiltshire,K 2008. Lime and their alcohol education resources,. Education and Health 26(1),20. PDF

Williams,A Le Page,Y Battye,A 2008. Guernsey's Top Class Teenagers and the Press,. Education and Health 26(1),3-5. PDF

Jones,Z 2008. Doncaster College ‘Hub’: Evaluating the drop-in sexual health service,. Education and Health 26(1),6-7. PDF

Harris,L 2008. Developing an interagency approach,. Education and Health 26(1),8-9. PDF

Griffiths,MD 2008. Youth gambling education and prevention: Does it work?. Education and Health 26(2),23-26. PDF

Pridham,P 2008. How to Drug Proof Your Kids,. Education and Health 26(2),27. PDF

Cale,L Duncombe,R 2008. Achieving 'high quality' physical education,. Education and Health 26(2),28-29. PDF

Pobi,S 2008. Reducing salt intake in young parents and their children,. Education and Health 26(1),17. PDF

Hartley,L 2008. The Healthy College Journey Conference,. Education and Health 26(1),16. PDF

Plunkett,B 2008. Lincoln College's Chlamydia screening day,. Education and Health 26(1),14-15. PDF

Emmerson,L 2008. On-site sexual health services in further education are the norm,. Education and Health 26(1),10-11. PDF

Cater,S 2008. The Teens and Toddlers Programme: youth development and teenage pregnancy prevention,. Education and Health 26(1),12-13. PDF

Oates,T 2008. Bexley schools success: 100% achieve National Healthy School Status,. Education and Health 26(2),30. PDF

Booth,P 2008. Clinic-in-a-box: sexual health information and contraceptive supplies to young people,. Education and Health 26(2),31. PDF

Coleman,L Testa,A 2008. Sexual health beliefs, attitudes and perceptions among Black and Minority Ethnic youth,. Education and Health 26(2),32-35. PDF

Dobson,L 2008. Wigan and Leigh College Nurse Service. Education and Health 28(October),16. PDF

Whyte,S 2008. Priorities for Healthy Colleges. Education and Health 28(October),17. PDF

Jones,Z 2008. Doncaster College


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