MacKinnon,D 2005. Getting the evidence into practice and policy to improve young people's health: Some barriers and facilitators. This abstract is taken from a forthcoming article about the role of evidence in youth health policy and practice and examines some of the challenges researchers face in getting research findings into the arena,. Education and Health 23(1),16. PDF
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Joyce,R 2005. Blueprint National Drug Education Research Programme: an update. The Blueprint Drug Education Research Programme was set up to ensure that future drug education policy was based on tested and tried evidence developed in England. The full results are due in 2007, but there are interim findings that will be shared as Blueprint progresses,. Education and Health 23(2),19-20. PDF |
Regis,D 2005. Good News about Drug Education. In 2003, we reported on a link between lower drug use and usefulness of drug education. Now we are able to counter recent headlines: "The doped-up generation - drugs and drink grab the young", and, "Kids of today are happier than ever - no wonder, the dope and booze they get through". The Schools Health Education Unit has been following trends in large samples of pupils from schools using surveys since 1987, and, while there are concerns, there is good news in the figures too,. Education and Health 23(2),24. PDF |
Williams,A 2005. Size doesn't matter- Evidence does. Guernsey recently voted to ban all smoking in enclosed public and working places. One of the biggest contributors, that demonstrated the impact the smoking campaign was having, was the strong evidence-base from monitoring smoking levels amongst young people,. Education and Health 23(2),27-28. PDF |
Balding,J 2005. If I knew then...over 25 years of schools, health and education. July 2005 sees the retirement of the founder of the Schools Health Education Unit who looks back to research developments that continue to provide a greater understanding of young people's health-related behaviour,. Education and Health 23(2),29-32. PDF |
Cruickshank,R Regis,D 2005. Attitudes towards breastfeeding among young people in Wigan. The group least positive were the older females and this must be an unhappy trend for those who want to promote breastfeeding. Rather than blandly recommending more work in schools, we would prefer to urge people to examine the barriers to including breastfeeding promotion work in school and other settings,. Education and Health 23(3),35-36. PDF |
Regis,D Cruickshank,R 2005. Attitudes towards breastfeeding in Wigan. The group least positive were the older females and this must be an unhappy trend for those who want to promote breastfeeding. Rather than blandly recommending more work in schools, we would prefer to urge people to examine the barriers to including breastfeeding promotion work in school and other settings,. Education and Health 23(3),35-36. PDF |
Richardson-Todd,B 2005. A Way Forward for School Nursing: The Jigsaw project. One area in the UK decided to change the way in which school nurses and health visitors traditionally worked. They joined together in teams based on geographical boundaries around school pyramids, called community clusters. This project is called Jigsaw as each team member has a small piece in the bigger picture,. Education and Health 23(3),37-39. PDF |
Cook,D Campion,J Duffy,J 2005. Airedale Back Care for Children (ABC) Programme. Research has shown that found 50% of children would experience low back pain by the age of 14 and poor lifestyle practices and postures in childhood can lead to spinal problems in adults. The ABC initiative now equips and empowers children from 6 - 12 years old to change their lifestyle and also enhances schools' PSHE programme,. Education and Health 23(3),40. PDF |
MacKinnon,D Backett-Milburn,K 2005. Getting the evidence into practice and policy to improve young people's health: Some barriers and facilitators. Rather than just focusing on the viewpoint of researchers, this article illustrates that there are challenges for policy-makers and practitioners too including adopting a more multi-stakeholder approach that involves recognising different interests, greater collaboration and becoming skilled communicators,. Education and Health 23(3),47-48. PDF |
Keller,SN La,Belle,H 2005. Sexuality Education Online. This study found that teenagers in the United States frequently used the Internet for sexual health information, but only a few health topics of importance were considered by students to be well covered by the Web sites. Focus group results showed the Web sites failed to answer teenagers' personal questions, and did not provide adequate information on sexual health counseling or the risk of getting reinfected with sexually transmitted diseases,. Education and Health 23(1),10-11. PDF |
Henderson,M West,P Raab,G 2005. School effects on health behavoiurs. Education and Health 23(4),57-59. PDF |
Hiller,A 2005. Mental health: fun on their minds. Education and Health 23(4),56. PDF |
Balding,A 2005. A snapshot of the health related behaviour of young people in Further Education Colleges. Education and Health 23(4),55. PDF |
Leaman,L 2005. How Parents and Teachers can help youngsters with challenging behaviour.. Education and Health 23(4),54. PDF |
Ridgers,ND Startton,G Curley,J White,G 2005. Liverpool Sporting Playgrounds Project. Education and Health 23(4),51-53. PDF |
Grant,S 2005. Tipu Ka Rea/ to grow, expand and multiply: an operational model for developing sustainable health-promoting schools in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Education and Health 23(3),44-46. PDF |
O'Sullivan,M etal 2005. Aspects of Childhood Obesity in an Irish region: 'Our children...their future...why weight?' Four studies highlight the concern of parents and teachers about some negative aspects of home and school life that contribute towards child and teenage obesity,. Education and Health 23(3),41-43. PDF |
Icheku,V 2005. Application of self-directed learning in health and social care education. Education and Health 23(2),21-24. PDF |
Osborn,M. 2005 Great Yarmouth Young Men’s Project. The project won the fpa's national Pamela Sheridan Award in 2004 for outstanding work in sex and relationships education, Education and Health 23(1),9 PDF
Davies,S 2005. The Brightside Trust : a dynamic E-mentoring tool,. Education and Health 23(1),8. PDF |
O'Byrne,J 2005. The Body Image Project. Education and Health 23(4),61. PDF |
Peretti-Watel,P 2005. Cannabis-related beliefs and behaviour among French adolescents: school based prevention may boomerang#. Education and Health 23(4),62-63. PDF |
Lee,H 2005. Young people challenging the culture of binge drinking. Education and Health 32(2),25-26. PDF |
Griffiths,MD Miller,H 2005. E-mentoring in schools : a brief review. E-mentoring has several advantages over traditional face to face mentoring, but it also poses unique challenges to relationship development and maintenance,. Education and Health 23(1),6-8. PDF |