SHEU 2003. School dinners, unhealthy diets and changing eating habits. Pupils are still eating unhealthily despite the introduction of nutritional standards for school dinners and a choice of foods at lunchtime, and, most were aware that what they eat and drink when young matters, but this wasn't always reflected in their eating habits.. Education and Health 21(1),20. PDF
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Halstead,M Waite,S 2003. Love and Trust': making space for feelings in sex education. Should sex education in primary schools pay more attention to children's developing emotional and spiritual understanding? The paper explores the sexual attitudes and values of 9 and 10 year-olds, and the connections between spiritual, emotional and sexual development, . Education and Health 21(2),23-28. PDF |
Waite,S Halstead,M 2003. Love and Trust': making space for feelings in sex education. Should sex education in primary schools pay more attention to children's developing emotional and spiritual understanding? The paper explores the sexual attitudes and values of 9 and 10 year-olds, and the connections between spiritual, emotional and sexual development,. Education and Health 21(2),23-28. PDF |
Hampshire,J 2003. Sex education: politics and policy in England and Wales. Policy makers and lobby groups have perceived sex education in different ways, during the post-war period, and the resultant struggle over ideas has prevented the development of a coherent sex education policy,. Education and Health 21(2),29-34. PDF |
Aleixo,P Norris,CE 2003. Ability grouping in schools : Attainment and self-esteem. A review of the research reveals limited evidence to support ability grouping, which appears to have detrimental effects on some pupils, and possibly disadvantage those placed in lower sets in primary school,. Education and Health 21(4),59-63. PDF |
Regis,D 2005. Good News about Drug Education. In 2003, we reported on a link between lower drug use and usefulness of drug education. Now we are able to counter recent headlines: "The doped-up generation - drugs and drink grab the young", and, "Kids of today are happier than ever - no wonder, the dope and booze they get through". The Schools Health Education Unit has been following trends in large samples of pupils from schools using surveys since 1987, and, while there are concerns, there is good news in the figures too,. Education and Health 23(2),24. PDF |
Lewis,C 2003. Raising academic standards : Are initiatives aimed at boys detrimental to girls. Education and Health 21(4),64-67. PDF |
Masters,B 2003. Sport as a health risk. Sport is promoted as a healthy pastime, but this study found that discomfort and trauma appeared to be both expected and accepted suggesting that pain is deemed to be normal for sport,. Education and Health 21(3),43-47. PDF |
Brett,M 2003. Viewpoint: QCA guidance on Drug Alcohol and Tobacco education. Education and Health 21(2),35-37. PDF |
O'Neill,M O'Donnell,D 2003. Smart snacks scheme: A healthy breaks initiative in the school environment. Nearly 40% of primary schools have adopted the scheme leading to a significant improvement in nutrition and dental health, environmental and psychological issues, . Education and Health 21(1),9-13. PDF |
O'Donnell,D O'Neill,M 2003. Smart snacks scheme: A healthy breaks initiative in the school environment. Nearly 40% of primary schools have adopted the scheme leading to a significant improvement in nutrition and dental health, environmental and psychological issues,. Education and Health 21(1),9-13. PDF |
Hackett,A Gibbon,M Lamb,L 2003. Eating habits of children in Liverpool: a need for health education? The first years of secondary school may be crucial for implementing healthy eating initiatives and, in particular, influencing boys attitudes to food, . Education and Health 21(1),3-8. PDF |
Cheater,S 2003. Snack policies in Wirral schools-do they promote health? Wirral, and for practical ways to help schools develop an inclusive school nutrition policy looked This research has been the evidence base for the development of nutrition policy work in, . Education and Health 21(1),15-19. PDF |
Balding,JW 2003. HRBQ - providing baseline data. Education and Health 20(4),71. PDF |
Griffiths,MD 2003. Videogames : Advice for parents and teachers. Answers for parents and teachers, concerned about videogames and young people, and some potential benefits of videogame playing,. Education and Health 21(3),48-49. PDF |
Cater,S Coleman,L 2003.What do we know about young people’s use of alcohol. A review of the literature provides an evidence-base and shows worsening trends with young people drinking more regularly and in greater quantities, Education and Health, 21(3),50-55 PDF |
Coleman,L Cater,S 2003. What do we know about young people |
Askew,S 2003. Learning Promotes Health. It is argued that an approach to learning - where learners construct meaning and understanding from reflecting on their experiences and dialogue with others - is intrinsically health promoting,. Education and Health 21(4),68-71. PDF |
Regis,D 2003. Drug education linked to drug use.. Education and Health 21(3),56. |