Education and Health journal Archive

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Balding,J 1998. Do you use dihydrate? [ e.g. diehards, dynamite, dino dust]. Education and Health 16(4),60-62. PDF

Regis,D 1998. Are you in control of your own health?: Different attitudes to 'fate' could affect the success of health messages. Education and Health 16(4),57-59. PDF

Griffiths,M Wood,R 1998. Adolescent gambling on the National Lottery. Education and Health 16(4),53 -56. PDF

Balding,A Balding,JF 1998. The Pyramid Project: building for the future. Education and Health 16(4),49-52. PDF

Colley,K van,den,Akker,O 1998. Developing a Year 9 safe-sun programme: Adolescents form a particularly high-risk group, in need of specific skin-protective information and advice. Education and Health 16(3),42-47. PDF

Balding,J Regis,D Wise,A 1998. Who worries? Young smokers certainly do!: The Unit's latest survey shows that half the Year 10 girl smokers worry 'quite a lot' or 'a lot' about at least five things. Education and Health 16(3),33-41. PDF

HoughK 1998. Meet the school nurse who is always on site: An integral member of the school staff. Education and Health 16(2),31. PDF

Balding,J 1999. Young People in 1998: looking back, and looking ahead - 18,221 young people and approx. 200,000 since 1983. Education and Health 17(1),1-13. PDF

Clinton,B 1998. 'Smoke-free Soccer' scores in the Humber region: The contradiction between trying to achieve their sporting potential and damaging their fitness by smoking is fully exposed. Education and Health 16(2),27-28. PDF

O'Donnell,C 1998. Invisible hands: child employment in the UK. Education and Health 16(2),25-26. PDF

Balding,J 1998. The underweight girls who want to lose more: Body image was still high on the 'worry' agenda in 1997. Young People in 1997 - data from 37,538 young people. Education and Health 16(2),17-24. PDF

Griffiths,M 1998. Children and the Internet: issues for parents and teachers. Education and Health 16(1),9-10. PDF

Meek,G 1998. Asthma excuse notes: for the child or the PE Teacher?. Education and Health 16(1),5-8. PDF

Balding,J Regis,D 1998. Cannabis; getting safer as the years go by? 10% of year 10 boys have probably used an illegal drug during the previous week. Education and Health 16(1),1-4. PDF

Regis,D 1998. Jobs for the boys and jobs for the girls. Education and Health 16(1),12-14. PDF

Balding,JW 1998. Working children: what, how long and how much. Education and Health 15(5),69-71. PDF

Low,Pay,Unit 1998. Two million working children need protection. Education and Health 15(5),65-68. PDF

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