Kendall,L 1997. Something in the air - but what does it mean?: young people with asthma are unclear about air quality. Education and Health 15(3),39-42. PDF
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Griffiths,M 1997. Are virtual pets more demanding than the real thing?: 'Bereavement' counselling and Tamagotchi. Education and Health 15(3),37-38. PDF |
Clark,J Baluch,B 1997. Hospital education: effective or disruptive?: A pioneering study uncovers mixed attitudes towards children's schooling while in hospital. Education and Health 15(3),33-36. PDF |
Bagnall,P 1997. School nurses are a soft touch for cuts: fighting the assumption that 'no evidence means no benefit'. Education and Health 15(2),29-31. PDF |
Macfarlane,A 1997. Parents and teenagers- three dozen suggestions for having an easier ride. Education and Health 15(2),26-28. PDF |
Balding,J 1997. Young people in 1986 and 1996: spot the difference - data from 22,067 young people. Education and Health 15(2),1-25. PDF |
Harris,B 1997. Preparing for the GCSE: doing justice to themselves. |
Balding,J 1997. Young people and alcohol: its use and abuse. The Unit's latest 'alcohol' survey examines (among other things) amounts, attitudes, and aggression. Education and Health 15(1),1-5. PDF |
Randhawa,G 1997. Fighting the organ transplant crisis: what can schools do? |
Griffiths,M 1997. Video game: the good news: examining the more positive aspects of playing computer games. Education and Health 15(1),10-12. PDF |
Whelan,S Culver,J 1997. Teaching young people how to say No: the DARE drugs education resource may be failing. Education and Health 15(3),43-46. PDF |
Regis,D 1997. The importance of caring for pets:Implications of the 'Tamagotchi' craze. Education and Health 15(3),60-61. PDF |
Balding,J Gimber,P Wise,A 1997. A quarter of Year 7 boys want to cycle to school: A recent survey may help to promote county-wide initiatives to encourage safe alternatives to car travel. Education and Health 15(4),49-52. PDF |
Balding,J 1998. The underweight girls who want to lose more: Body image was still high on the 'worry' agenda in 1997. Young People in 1997 - data from 37,538 young people. Education and Health 16(2),17-24. PDF |
Griffiths,M 1997. Instant- win promotions: part of the 'gambling' environment?. Education and Health 15(4),62-63. PDF |
Fox,K 1997. Active living: A prescription for lifelong health and well-being. Education and Health 15(4),56-59. PDF |
Forsyth,T 1997. Under-age sales: Making retailers count the cost. Education and Health 15(4),53-55. PDF |