Balding,J 1997. Young people in 1986 and 1996: spot the difference - data from 22,067 young people. Education and Health 15(2),1-25. PDF
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Balding,J 1996. Primary children are active, stay up late and get on with Mum and Dad. Education and Health 14(5),72-75. PDF |
Regis,D 1996. Saving the environment: switch off or turn-off?. Education and Health 14(5),65-71. PDF |
Woolmark,G 1996. East Yorkshire reaches the parts other schemes miss: Using a survey of 'smoking' information to boost the Health Award. Education and Health 13(5),73-74. PDF |
Hunt,J 1996. Teenage sexual health: Do school nurses hold the key?. Education and Health 13(5),69-72. PDF |
Fisher,S Balding,J 1996. Under-16s find the Lottery a good gamble. Education and Health 13(5),65-68. PDF |
Balding,J Regis,D 1996. More alcohol down fewer throats?. Education and Health 13(4),61-63. PDF |
Beavet,T 1996. Parents, schools and sex education. Education and Health 13(4),59-60. PDF |
Barnett,P 1996. D.A.R.E. - Drug Abuse Resistance Education. Education and Health 13(4),56-58. PDF |
Balding,J 1996. Starting at home: bringing environment into the curriculum - . Education and Health 13(4),52-56. PDF |
Mathie,E Ford,N Blacksell,S Inman,M 1996. Sea, Sand and Safer Sex Messages: 25% said they had formed at least one new sexual relationship while on holiday.. Education and Health 13(4),49-51. PDF |
Regis,D 1996. Peer tutoring seems to work - but why?. Education and Health 13(5),75-78. PDF |
Rogers,B 1996. Mediation has certainly worked for us - Highfield has become a better place. Education and Health 14(1),1-4. PDF |
Balding,J 1996. The young people that are afraid of going to school: Fear of bullying affects more than a quarter of 12-13 year olds. Education and Health 14(1),5-13. PDF |
Balding,J 1996. Last Orders: the first step towards an effective alcohol programme?. Education and Health 14(4),60-63. PDF |
Sutherland,L 1996. Nit combs: naturally the best?. Education and Health 14(4),57-59. PDF |
Muirden,J 1996. Biting the elephant: A report on 'Bridging The Gap' a meeting for school staff and health care professionals. Education and Health 14(4),53-56. PDF |
Johnston,J 1996. Promoting a whole- school approach to bullying. Education and Health 14(4),49-52. PDF |
Hudson,F Wesy,J 1996. Needing to be heard: the young person's agenda. Education and Health 14(3),43-47. PDF |
Syson-Nibbs,L 1996. Sun safety education in schools. Education and Health 14(3),37-41. PDF |
Balding,J 1996. Young People in 1995 - data from 23,918 young people. Education and Health 14(3),33-36. PDF |
Regis,D 1996. Is it ever right to break the law?. Education and Health 14(2),27-30. PDF |
Balding,J 1996. Scraping off the Tipp-Ex: We must resist pressures to include questions that are not appropriate to ask young people. Education and Health 14(2),22-26. PDF |
Griffiths,M Perkins,G 1996. Bullies, victims and the code of silence: 'Almost four in every five children reported being bullied to some degree'. Education and Health 14(2),17-21. PDF |