The curious incident of paper questionnaires in the time of the rise of computing
The curious incident of paper questionnaires in the time of the rise of computing
Ten years ago, I thought we would be doing everything online by now!
But I fairly often get told something like:
"There's 2 year groups to get through, 6 classes each, so we need to book the IT suite for 12 slots, and it's already booked up, and the classes are 30 but the IT suite has just 25 computers, 24 of which work... Just send us a parcel of questionnaire booklets, and we can do it all in one morning!"
Also, the best-laid plans of a school can oft gang agley because of power failure, sulky networks, flooding, winter vomiting, or ...
SHEU will continue to offer both paper questionnaires and our online survey service, and in case of events will be able to switch to the other approach for a school at short notice.