DrDave's blog

Young People into 2018


EMBARGO until 12:01am Friday 8th June 2018


The Young People into 2018 report

[PDF of this press release]

Monitoring wellbeing with SHEU

SHEU surveys are featured in the Public Health England toolkit for schools and colleges, put together by the Anna Freud Centre


The toolkit encourages schools and colleges to monitor their pupils' and students' mental wellbeing, and offer SHEU among other approaches to doing this.  Of course, a SHEU survey includes other aspects of health and wellbeing than mental and emotional.

Young People into...

We have simultaneously released our two missing volumes of the Young People... series:

Young People into 2016


Young People into 2017.

UPDATE School feedback

Question   Sample %
1. Was the information you received from SHEU before the survey…?    
  Prompt?                           509 98%

Young People on their own

We're working hard on the production of our once-annual reports following the retirement of David McGeorge last year, but we're realising how much work he used to put in!

But we've compiled all the aggregate data sets, and have produced most of the tables, and have had a peek at what the results are telling us.

Sample sizes:

Vulnerable pupils

We often look to see how groups of vulnerable young people are doing relative to their peers in our data sets.

We were recently prompted to look at young people who are young carers, who have special educational needs, who are attending PRUs, and who are in Special Schools.  The numbers from PRUs and Special Schools who completed any of our questionnaires are small, and they may not have answered the same set of questions, so this analysis is rather patchy. 

Happy birthday to us! SHEU at 40

SHEU is 40!

We were founded in 1977 by John Balding in the University of Exeter.

We went independent in 1997 and 2017 is our 40th birthday, so at today's staff meeting we had a cake.


Cake sparkles.jpg Angela cake3.jpg

SHEU Views the News: #ThePubertyIssue

The Sex Education Forum have published today some notes and advice on puberty.

Silly questions

I was reminded of this piece today:


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