
Parent/carer email about postcodes

What precautions do you take to make sure an individual cannot be identified from their postcode?

There are general precautions about the security of our servers which I am sure every good business would adopt, but we make a special effort with postcodes.

I don't know if your child competed the survey online or on paper - the account to be given in each case is slightly different.

Online, the postcodes are encrypted using GnuPG when storing, and downloaded with the encryption intact (screenshot). 

Guernsey Parents' and Carers' Survey 2011

We are pleased to announce the publication of the report for the Guernsey Parents' and Carers' Survey 2011.

A PDF of the report and the slideshow can be downloaded from


Williams, R & States of Guernsey Education Department (2011). Guernsey Parents' and Carer's Survey 2011. Exeter: SHEU.  ISBN 978 1 902445 42 3

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You might have different questions depending on who you are:

Questions Frequently asked by:

Pupils and Students: FAQs

Parents and Carers: FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions - Parents and Carers

This document was written by Cambridgeshire PSHE team to help parents and carers understand more about the lifestyle survey being carried out in schools.
Why does the survey ask for our postcode and does this mean we can be identified?

Parent surveys

Our parent/carer surveys have mostly been perception surveys rather than lifestyle surveys, although we have done both. They can be completed on paper or online, and can be customised to suit your situation.  See also:



SHEU have been doing survey work with schools, public health and local authorities for over 30 years. What sort of survey are you interested in?

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