
Online survey: clear, friendly, responsive

Responses from questionnaires are stored in our databanks

Pupils and students can still complete on paper, if you prefer

Questionnaires are fetched by secure courier and logged in the SHEU offices

Questions are composed collaboratively with clients and designed with the pupils and students in mind

Wiltshire's happier and healthier young people

Thanks to our colleague Nick Bolton for this link about Wiltshire's young people published in the Wiltshire Gazette and Herald.
Results from surveys by the Schools Health Education Unit (SHEU) show that Wiltshire's young people have much healthier lifestyles and higher rates of self esteem compared to the national average.
Carolyn Godfrey, Corporate Director of Wiltshire Council, said: "This survey shows how the health of our children and young people is improving and the work of schools and partners is key to this."

Guernsey Parents' and Carers' Survey 2011

We are pleased to announce the publication of the report for the Guernsey Parents' and Carers' Survey 2011.

A PDF of the report and the slideshow can be downloaded from


Williams, R & States of Guernsey Education Department (2011). Guernsey Parents' and Carer's Survey 2011. Exeter: SHEU.  ISBN 978 1 902445 42 3

JSNA - Get the health and wellbeing figures you need from SHEU

JSNA - the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
Get the perception and performance figures you need, about your young people, from SHEU.

The Coalition Government has placed the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment at the heart of its proposals with regard to the future of local health improvement. Since the establishment of the JSNA in 2008, SHEU have been providing local authorities with vital data about their young people to inform their planning.

JSNA - the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

SHEU : nationally-recognised, since 1977,
as the specialist provider of reliable local survey data about young people's health and wellbeing

Get the perception and performance figures you need from SHEU

Since the establishment of the JSNA, SHEU have been providing local authorities with vital data about their young people to inform their planning.

Young People into 2011

Twenty fifth year of data about Young People


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