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Research Links : about 16+ pupils and students

15-06 What messages does social marketing advertising send? A content analysis of advertisements aiming to minimise harm from alcohol consumption
15-06 Briefing from Tobacco Control on electronic cigarettes
15-06 Any Dose of Alcohol Combined With Cannabis Significantly Increases Levels of THC
15-05 The missing units of alcohol : Holidays, celebrations, and commiserations: measuring drinking during feasting and fasting to improve national and individual estimates of alcohol consumption
15-05 Electronic cigarette use among smokers slows as perceptions of harm increase
15-05 Report Recommends New Approach to College Drinking
15-05 Anti-smoking commercials burn out over time
15-05 Weaker Self-Esteem in Adolescence Predicts Smoking
15-05 Harmful drinking is on the rise among young people and women in many OECD countries
15-05 The characteristics of drug and alcohol-related presentations to the emergency department amongst adolescents
15-05 Trajectories of marijuana use from adolescence to adulthood predicting unemployment in the mid 30s
15-05 Advantage for picture-based cigarette pack warnings over text warnings
15-04 Frequent marijuana use, binge drinking and mental health problems among undergraduates
15-04 Trends and timing of cigarette smoking uptake among US young adults
15-04 The Behavioral Economics of Driving After Drinking Among College Drinkers
15-04 Patterns of cannabis use, psychotic-like experiences and personality styles in young cannabis users
15-04 Economic Behavior under the Influence of Alcohol: An Experiment on Time Preferences, Risk-Taking, and Altruism
15-04 Non-Smoker Exposure to Secondhand Cannabis Smoke II: Effect of Room Ventilation on the Physiological, Subjective, and Behavioral/Cognitive Effects
15-04 Paracetamol, lower back pain and arthritis
15-04 Social Functioning Trajectories of Young First-Episode Psychosis Patients with and without Cannabis Misuse
15-04 Pathways of Parenting Style on Adolescents’ College Adjustment, Academic Achievement, and Alcohol Risk
15-04 Risky behaviors, e-cigarette use and susceptibility of use among college students
15-04 Socio-demographic differences in energy drink consumption and reasons for consumption among US college students
15-03 Transgressive Drinking Practices and the Subversion of Proscriptive Alcohol Policy Messages … and … Government anti-drinking messages irrelevant to young binge drinkers
15-03 Preventing Drug Use Among Sexual-Minority Youths: Findings From a Tailored, Web-Based Intervention
15-03 Effects of first exposure to plain cigarette packaging on smoking behaviour and attitudes
15-03 Reducing substance involvement in college students: A three-arm parallel-group randomized controlled trial of a computer-based intervention.
15-03 Heterogeneous dose-response and college student drinking: examining problem risks related to low drinking levels.
15-03 Adolescent cannabis and tobacco use and educational outcomes at age 16
15-03 The impact of friends on young adults’ drinking over the course of the evening—an event-level analysis
15-03 Effects of lowering the alcohol minimum purchasing age on weekend hospitalised assaults of young Māori in New Zealand
15-03 Do Young Adults Perceive That Cigarette Graphic Warnings Provide New Knowledge About the Harms of Smoking?
15-03 A Web-Based Program to Increase Knowledge and Reduce Cigarette and Nargila Smoking Among Arab University Students in Israel
15-03 “We don’t need services. We have no problems”: exploring the experiences of young people who inject drugs in accessing harm reduction services
15-03 Defining and Characterizing Differences in College Alcohol Intervention Efficacy: A Growth Mixture Modeling Application
15-03 Multivariate analysis of binge drinking in young adult population: Data analysis of the 2007 Survey of Lifestyle, Attitude and Nutrition (SLAN) in Ireland.
15-03 Drinking habits of 16+ year olds in Great Britain
15-03 Cued Recall of Alcohol Advertising on Television and Underage Drinking Behavior
15-03 Do Adolescent Perceptions of Parents’ Alcohol Consumption Undermine or Enhance What Parents Say About Alcohol?
15-03 Who Dropped Who?: An Analysis of School Dropouts Among Substance Using Populations
15-03 Oh they drink here harder I think': young people and alcohol consumption at three New Zealand secondary school formals
15-03 Quality of life, age of onset of alcohol use and alcohol use disorders in adolescence and young adulthood
15-03 Work stress and alcohol consumption among adolescents: moderation by family and peer influences
15-02 Flavored Alcoholic Beverage Use, Risky Drinking Behaviors, and Adverse Outcomes Among Underage Drinkers: Results From the ABRAND Study
15-02 'Skunk-like' cannabis associated with 24% of new psychosis cases
15-02 Drugs : Articles from the Education and Health journal
15-02 Hangover free! The social and material trajectories of PartySmart
15-01 Financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy
15-01 "The U.S. National Tips From Former Smokers Antismoking Campaign Promoting Awareness of Smoking-Related Risks, Cessation Resources, and Cessation Behaviors"
15-01 Web-based screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment program (SBIRT) in high schools
15-01 Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) : Nurse teaching resources
15-01 A Web-Based Intervention [in development] to Prevent Drug Abuse Among Adolescent Girls
15-01 At-School Substance Use as a Marker for Serious Health Risks
14-12 Reasons for Electronic Cigarette Experimentation and Discontinuation among Adolescents and Young Adults
14-12 Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation and reduction : Cochrane review
14-12 Teen e-cigarette use in the US and smoking
14-12 Court agrees ‘legal highs’ are not legal after all
14-12 ASH briefing on electronic cigarettes
14-11 It depends on when you ask: Motives for using marijuana assessed before versus after a marijuana use event
14-11 Restricting or banning alcohol advertising to reduce alcohol consumption in adults and adolescents
14-11 The Association Between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Nicotine Use Among Adolescents and Young Adults
14-11 "Everybody Else Is Doing It"—Norm Perceptions Among Parents of Adolescents
14-11 Rise in electronic cigarette use among adolescents in Poland
14-11 College Student Affect and Heavy Drinking: Variable Associations Across Days, Semesters, and People
14-11 Alcohol-Cue Exposure Effects on Craving and Attentional Bias in Underage College-Student Drinkers
14-11 Hardcore smoking among continuing smokers in Canada 2004-2012
14-11 Smoking and trajectories of dysmenorrhoea among young Australian women
14-11 Multiple tobacco product use among US adolescents and young adults
14-11 College students' use of energy drinks, social problem-solving, and academic performance
14-11 Marijuana Use from Middle to High School: Co-occurring Problem Behaviors, Teacher-Rated Academic Skills and Sixth-Grade Predictors
14-11 Cannabis and related impairment: The unique roles of cannabis use to cope with social anxiety and social avoidance
14-11 Impact of marijuana use on self-rated cognition in young adult men and women
14-11 Work and Non-work Physical Activity Predict Real-time Smoking Level and Urges in Young Adults
14-11 Association Between Electronic Cigarette Use and Openness to Cigarette Smoking Among U.S. Young Adults.
14-11 Gender Differences in the Prediction of Parental Servings of Alcohol to Adolescents and Youth Drunkenness
14-11 Tobacco Use Among Middle and High School Students — United States, 2013
14-11 Parental Rules, Parent and Peer Attachment, and Adolescent Drinking Behaviors
14-11 Marijuana Motivations Across Adolescence: Impacts on Use and Consequences
14-11 Social anxiety and alcohol-related negative consequences among college drinkers: Do protective behavioral strategies mediate the association?
14-11 Social anxiety symptoms and drinking behaviors among college students: The mediating effects of drinking motives.
14-11 Advantages and disadvantages of college drinking in students’ own words: Content analysis of the decisional balance worksheet.
14-11 Not just fun and games: A review of college drinking games research from 2004 to 2013.
14-11 A Brief Mindfulness Intervention for College Student Binge Drinkers: A Pilot Study.
14-11 Development and evaluation of a mobile intervention for heavy drinking and smoking among college students.
14-11 A Behavioral Economic Analysis of the Effect of Next-Day Responsibilities on Drinking.
14-11 The Lasting Effects of Leaving School in an Economic Downturn on Alcohol Use
14-11 "Dry January" leads to less drinking all year round
14-11 The effect of gender and alcohol placement in the processing of sexual intent
14-10 E-Cigarette in Tobacco Cessation — A misnomer
14-10 Rise in electronic cigarette use among adolescents in Poland
14-10 Longitudinal Effects of School Drug Policies on Student Marijuana Use in Washington State and Victoria, Australia
14-10 Response of Colleges to Risky Drinking College Students
14-10 Alcohol-related illness and death in Scottish neighbourhoods: is there a relationship with the number of alcohol outlets?
14-10 What has research over the past two decades revealed about the adverse health effects of recreational cannabis use?
14-10 Effectiveness of Brief School-Based Interventions for Adolescents
14-10 Energy Drink Consumption and the Risk of Alcohol Use Disorder among a National Sample of Adolescents and Young Adults.
14-10 Declining Trends in Alcohol Consumption Among Swedish Youth
14-10 Young women smokers’ response to using plain cigarette packaging: qualitative findings from a naturalistic study
14-10 Young people's cultural discourses on alcohol : a Q methodological enquiry
14-09 Safe drinking' campaign prompts calls for sober rethink of alcohol-related advertising during Aussie football games
14-09 Young adult sequelae of adolescent cannabis use : Daily users before age 17 more likely to drop-out and attempt suicide
14-08 Motivational interviewing doesn’t prompt safer drinking in young people
14-08 “Drunkorexia”: Exploring the Who and Why of a Disturbing Trend in College Students’ Eating and Drinking Behaviors
14-08 Psychosocial correlates of adolescent cannabis use
14-08 The Role of Positive Alcohol Expectancies in Underage Binge Drinking Among College Students
14-08 Boundaries between Adult and Youth Drinking as Expressed by Young People in Italy and Finland
14-08 E-cigarette Availability and Promotion Among Retail Outlets Near College Campuses in Two Southeastern States
14-08 Declining Trends in Alcohol Consumption Among Swedish Youth—Does the Theory of Collectivity of Drinking Cultures Apply?
14-08 Social Network Influences on Initiation and Maintenance of Reduced Drinking Among College Students
14-08 Stress and Adjustment among College Students in Relation to their Academic Performance
14-08 Standardised packaging of tobacco products can save lives and boost local economies
14-08 Co-occurrences between adolescent substance use and academic performance: School context influences a multilevel-longitudinal perspective
14-08 Alternate Tobacco Product and Drug Use Among Adolescents Who Use Electronic Cigarettes, Cigarettes Only, and Never Smokers
14-08 Substance Misuse Among AdolescentsTo Screen or Not to Screen?
14-08 A call for an urgent ban on E-cigarettes in India—a race against time
14-08 Parental Smoking Status, Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Are Associated With Susceptibility to Smoking Among Nonsmoker School Adolescents in Malaysia
14-08 The Role of Fathers in Adolescent Substance Abuse Prevention
14-08 The Influences of Health Beliefs and Identity on Adolescent Marijuana and Tobacco Co-Use
14-08 Smoking, Physical Activity, and Eating Habits Among Adolescents
14-08 Mobile phone brief intervention applications for risky alcohol use among university students
14-08 Who are the young adult Danish pre-drinkers, and why do they pre-drink before a night out?
14-08 The Effect of Energy Drinks on the Urge to Drink Alcohol in Young Adults
14-08 Dental fear, tobacco use and alcohol use among university students in Finland
14-08 Do pre-drinkers consume more alcohol than non-pre-drinkers on an event-specific night out? A cross-national panel mobile survey of young people's drinking in England and Denmark
14-08 Effects of a brief mindfulness intervention on negative affect and urge to drink among college student drinkers
14-08 Socioeconomic Status and Alcohol-Related Behaviors in Mid- to Late Adolescence in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children
14-08 Young Adult Drinking Partnerships: Alcohol-Related Consequences and Relationship Problems Six Years Later
14-08 Trajectories of Marijuana Use in Youth Ages 15–25: Implications for Postsecondary Education Experiences
14-08 Youth Alcohol Brand Consumption and Exposure to Brand Advertising in Magazines
14-08 Romantic Relationship Status and Alcohol Use and Problems Across the First Year of College
14-08 Hookah Use Among US High School Seniors
14-08 Efficacy of interventions to combat tobacco addiction: Cochrane update of 2013 reviews
14-08 Does Parental Divorce Increase Risk Behaviors among 15/16 and 18/19 year-old Adolescents? A Study from Oslo
14-08 Considering Cannabis: The Effects of Regular Cannabis Use on Neurocognition in Adolescents and Young Adults
14-08 Royal College of Physicians' statement on e-cigarettes
14-08 Young people pre-load at home because of “scary” bars and nightclubs, study shows
14-08 Smoking initiation among Israeli adolescents: A 24-year time-to-event analysis
14-08 Associations of cannabis and tobacco use with depression at age 18: findings from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children
14-07 Exposure to Electronic Cigarette Television Advertisements Among Youth and Young Adults
14-07 'Plain' packaging not a boost to illegal tobacco use, study suggests
14-07 Adolescent alcohol abuse disrupts transitions into early adulthood
14-07 A Review of Guidelines on Home Drug Testing Web Sites for Parents
14-06 Readiness to change drinking behaviour among heavy-drinking university students in England
14-06 Tackling student binge drinking: Pairing incongruent messages and measures reduces alcohol consumption
14-06 Gone to pot – a review of the association between cannabis and psychosis
14-06 The country where nearly two-thirds of men smoke
14-06 Smokers and passive smokers more likely to suffer hearing loss
14-05 E-cigarette uptake and marketing
14-05 Addiction, nicotine, e cigarettes and much more - Robert West's blog
14-05 Could a single booze binge harm your health?
14-05 Assessment of health impacts of decreased smoking prevalence in Copenhagen
14-05 ‘Let’s get wasted’: A discourse analysis of teenagers’ talk about binge drinking
14-05 Review of Survey and Experimental Research That Examine the Relationship Between Alcohol Consumption and Men’s Sexual Aggression Perpetration
14-05 Being a non-drinking student: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
14-05 Non-Medical Prescription Stimulant Use in Graduate Students
14-05 Association of Educational Attainment and Adolescent Substance Use Disorder in a Clinical Sample
14-05 A Research Update on Correlates of Heavy Episodic Drinking Among Undergraduate College Students
14-05 Neurocognition in college-aged daily marijuana users
14-05 Steps in Tailoring a Text Messaging–Based Smoking Cessation Program for Young Adults
14-05 The dynamic association between healthy leisure and substance use in South African adolescents
14-05 High initial doses of antidepressants may double suicide risk in teens
14-05 Influence of Parental Alcohol-Related Attitudes, Behavior and Parenting Styles on Alcohol Use in Late and Very Late Adolescence
14-05 Reducing substance use during adolescence: a translational framework for prevention
14-05 The effects of social and health consequence framing on heavy drinking intentions among college students
14-05 Perceived Peer Drinking Norms and Responsible Drinking in UK University Settings
14-05 It's five o'clock somewhere: an examination of the association between happy hour drinking and negative consequences
14-04 Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention for Adolescents: The How, What and Where of Reducing Alcohol Consumption and Related Harm Among Young People (pdf)
14-04 Binge Drinking in Adolescents: A Review of Neurophysiological and Neuroimaging Research
14-04 Smoking on School Property as a Risk Factor for Substance Use Among Adolescent Smokers
14-04 ‘Passed and cleared’ – Former tobacco smokers’ experience in quitting smoking (pdf)
14-04 Smoking, plain packaging, and public health (pdf)
14-04 Persistence of socioeconomic differences in adolescents’ environmental tobacco smoke exposure in Finland
14-04 ADEPIS Quality standards for effective alcohol and drug education (pdf)

Standardised packaging of tobacco: Report of the independent review Sir Cyril Chantler

14-04 Which substance is most dangerous? Perceived harm ratings among students in urban and rural Norway
14-03 Electronic cigarettes in Canada: Prevalence of use and perceptions among youth and young adults
14-02 Are e-cigarettes a safer alternative to smoking ?
14-02 Having a good time: young people talk about risk and fun when combining alcohol consumption and water activities
14-02 The Influence of Parental, Peer, and School Factors on Marijuana Use Among Native American Adolescents
14-02 Smoking intention among Chinese youth and implications for health interventions
14-02 An Alcohol Message Beneath the Surface of ER: How Implicit Memory Influences Viewers’ Health Attitudes and Intentions Using Entertainment-Education
14-02 Effects of the Above the Influence Brand on Adolescent Drug Use Prevention Normative Beliefs
14-02 Smoking and Membership in a Fraternity or Sorority: A Systematic Review of the Literature
14-02 Smoking and Membership in a Fraternity or Sorority: A Systematic Review of the Literature
14-02 Correlates of smokeless tobacco use among first year college students
14-02 See it doesn’t look pretty does it?”: Young adults’ airbrushed drinking practices on Facebook
14-02 The relationship between weight and smoking in a national sample of adolescents: Role of gender
14-02 Adolescent Substance Use Initiation: Correlates of the Profiles of Prevention
14-02 School Violent Victimization and Recent Alcohol Use and Episodic Heavy Drinking Among Youth
14-02 Underage drinking in the UK: Changing trends, impact and interventions (pdf)
14-02 Adolescent peer aggression and its association with mental health and substance use in an Australian cohort
14-02 Peer Influence on Marijuana Use in Different Types of Friendships
14-02 Impact of smokeless tobacco packaging on perceptions and beliefs among youth, young adults, and adults in the U.S.
14-02 Cigarette warning labels: graphics, framing, and identity
14-02 Relationships Between Drugs and Delinquency in Adolescence: Influence of Gender and Victimization Experiences
14-02 Sexual Orientation, Gender, and Racial Differences in Illicit Drug Use in a Sample of US High School Students
14-02 Understanding Addiction: Adult Children of Alcoholics Describing Their Parents’ Drinking Problems
Drugs, SRE
15-03 The moderating effects of cannabis use and decision making on the relationship between conduct disorder and risky sexual behavior
14-11 Use of Drinking Protective Behavioral Strategies and Sexual Perceptions and Behaviors in U.S. College Students
Drugs, Drugs - Alcohol
14-05 Determinants of sustained binge drinking in young adults
