"Can I say a very big thank you to all involved on your side. We really do appreciate what the project has allowed us to do, therefore allowing us to plan appropriately for our learning in PSH&CE. Thank you David for all your support and guidance here as well."
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All latest links grouped below by age group and under these headings:-
Food / Drugs / RSE / Exercise / Health / Lifestyle / Education / Other
Research Links : about 11-16 year old school pupils
aged 11-16
- 31-12 [Food Archive 11-16] [Food Latest 11-16] [Top]
aged 11-16
- 23-12 Cross-sectional associations of schoolchildren’s fruit and vegetable consumption, and meal choices, with their mental well-being: a cross-sectional study
- 23-12 Cross-sectional associations of schoolchildren’s fruit and vegetable consumption, and meal choices, with their mental well-being: a cross-sectional study
- 23-12 Cross-sectional associations of schoolchildren’s fruit and vegetable consumption, and meal choices, with their mental well-being: a cross-sectional study
aged 11-16
- 31-09 [Exercise Archive 11-16] [Exercise Latest 11-16] [Top]
- 23-12 Physical behaviors of 12-15 year-old adolescents in 54 low- and middle-income countries: Results from the Global School-based Student Health Survey
- 23-11 Strategies for Encouraging Children to Be Physically Active to Improve Health for Life
- 23-11 Physical education and its influence on student mental health
aged 11-16
- 31-10 [RSE Archive 11-16] [RSE Latest 11-16] [Top]
- 23-12 Outcomes of a Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Intervention among Sexual and Gender Minority Youth Living in a Socially Conservative U.S. State
- 23-11 ¿Y tu novio? Wheres Your Boyfriend?: A Cultural-Ecological Analysis of Latinas Narratives of Teen Dating Experiences
- 23-11 Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Ireland: A Childrens Rights Perspective
- 23-11 The development and cross-national validation of the short health literacy for school-aged children (HLSAC-5) instrument
- 23-11 Sexual Health Education Experiences and Recommendations from the Perspective of LGBTQ+ Youth
aged 11-16
- 31-06 [Education Archive 11-16] [Education Latest 11-16] [Top]
- 23-12 Strategies of youth engagement in health promotion: listening sessions, task force participation, surveys and other strategies
- 23-11 The effect of structured health promotion education given to adolescents on health literacy and health-promoting behaviors
- 23-11 The development and cross-national validation of the short health literacy for school-aged children (HLSAC-5) instrument
- 23-11 Developing Quality PSHE in Secondary Schools and Colleges
aged 11-16
- 23-12 Association between Health-Related Quality of Life, Mental Health and Academic Performance among Adolescent Students
- 23-12 Online Review Analysis Perception of Source Reliability on E-Cigarettes from the Perspective of Health Education among College Students in Chengdu, Sichuan
- 23-11 Identity Matters for Well-Being: The Longitudinal Associations Between Identity Processes and Well-Being in Adolescents with Different Cultural Backgrounds
- 23-11 Exploring economic and health interventions to support adolescents resilience and coping in mining communities: A scoping review
- 23-11 Beyond growth mindset: Exploring John Henryism and academic task engagement in higher education
aged 11-16
- 31-08 [Health Archive 11-16] [Health Latest 11-16] [Top]
- 23-12 An application of a series of theory-based educational intervention based on the health belief model on skin cancer prevention behaviors in female high school students
- 23-11 Understanding health inequalities for young people who are care experienced