16-10 |
Marijuana Use and Dependence in Chilean Adolescents and Its Association with Family and Peer Marijuana Use.
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16-10 |
Adolescent Alcohol Exposure Persistently Impacts Adult Neurobiology and Behavior
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16-09 |
Adolescents' Responses to Pictorial Warnings on Their Parents' Cigarette Packs
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16-09 |
Long-term effectiveness of a combined student–parent and a student-only smoking prevention intervention among 7th grade school children in Berlin
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16-09 |
Ever-Use and Curiosity About Cigarettes, Cigars, Smokeless Tobacco, and Electronic Cigarettes Among US Middle and High School Students
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16-09 |
National Estimates of Marijuana Use and Related Indicators — National Survey on Drug Use and Health, United States, 2002–2014
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16-09 |
Current Cigarette Smoking, Access, and Purchases from Retail Outlets Among Students Aged 13–15 Years — Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 45 Countries, 2013 and 2014
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16-09 |
Age of smoking initiation among adolescents in Africa
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16-09 |
Alcohol marketing and youth alcohol consumption: a systematic review of longitudinal studies published since 2008
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16-09 |
Problematic Use of Video Games and Substance Abuse in Early Adolescence
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16-09 |
Alcohol Outlets and Substance Use among High Schoolers.
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16-09 |
Crack Cocaine Use in Adolescents: Clinical Characteristics and Predictors of Early Initiation
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16-09 |
How do Indonesian youth perceive cigarette advertising? A cross-sectional study among Indonesian high school students.
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16-08 |
Exposure to Advertisements and Susceptibility to Electronic Cigarette Use Among Youth
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16-08 |
Half of parents let their under-14s drink alcohol at home
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16-08 |
Socioeconomic differences in adolescents’ smoking: a comparison between Finland and Beijing, China
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16-08 |
Young people are less likely to drink; does that mean it isn’t a problem?
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16-08 |
Comment from Alcohol Policy UK on the PHE report on drinking and harms amongst under 18's
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16-08 |
The GOOD life: Study protocol for a social norms intervention to reduce alcohol and other drug use among Danish adolescents
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16-08 |
Electronic Cigarette Use Among High School Students and Its Association With Cigarette Use And Smoking Cessation, North Carolina Youth Tobacco Surveys, 2011 and 2013
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16-08 |
Reasons for Trying E-cigarettes and Risk of Continued Use
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16-08 |
Trends in Alcohol Use among Adolescents from 2000 to 2011: The Role of Socioeconomic Status and Depression
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16-08 |
Factors associated with the implementation of programs for drug abuse prevention in schools.
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16-08 |
Jayapura Teenagers Smoking Behavior
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16-08 |
Use of electronic cigarettes among secondary and high school students from a socially disadvantaged rural area in Poland
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16-08 |
Alcohol consumption and harm among under 18 year olds
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16-07 |
Do stronger school smoking policies make a difference? Analysis of the health behaviour in school-aged children survey
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16-07 |
Youthful Abandon: why are young people drinking less?
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16-07 |
Differential Effects of Neighborhood Type on Adolescent Alcohol Use in New Zealand
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16-07 |
Girls Just Want to Know Where to Have Fun: Preventing Substance Use Initiation in an Under-Resourced Community in South Africa Through HealthWise
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16-07 |
Local spatial clustering in youths’ use of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana in Boston
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16-07 |
The effects of maternal alcohol use disorders on childhood relationships and mental health
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16-07 |
Sustainability of Community-Based Youth Smoking Cessation Programs
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16-06 |
Understanding trends in Australian alcohol consumption—an age–period–cohort model
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16-06 |
Mediating factors of a school-based multi-component smoking prevention intervention
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16-05 |
Substance Abuse in an Adolescent Boy: Waking the Object
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16-05 |
The Enduring Impact of Parents’ Monitoring, Warmth, Expectancies, and Alcohol Use on Their Children’s Future Binge Drinking and Arrests
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16-05 |
Marijuana use from adolescence to adulthood: developmental trajectories and their outcomes
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16-05 |
A Longitudinal Study of Adolescents' Optimistic Bias about Risks and Benefits of Cigarette Smoking
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16-05 |
E-Cigarette Marketing Exposure Is Associated With E-Cigarette Use Among US Youth
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16-05 |
Impact of Tobacco Control Policies on Adolescent Smoking
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16-04 |
Link between perceived body weight and smoking behavior among adolescents
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16-04 |
Racial Differences and the Role of Neighborhood in the Sequencing of Marijuana and Tobacco Initiation Among Urban Youth
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16-04 |
Relationship between e-cigarette point of sale recall and e-cigarette use in secondary school children
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16-04 |
Medicinal Use of Marijuana : What School Nurses Need to Know
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16-03 |
Alcohol drinking cultures of European adolescents
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16-03 |
Alcohol and Drug Use and the Developing Brain
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16-03 |
What influences 11-year-olds to drink? Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study
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16-03 |
Not Just Cigarettes: A More Comprehensive Look at Marijuana and Tobacco Use Among African American and White Youth and Young Adults
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16-03 |
Homeschool and Underage Drinking: Is It More Protective than Public and Private Schools?
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16-03 |
Prevalence and Correlates of E-Cigarette Perceptions and Trial Among Early Adolescents in Mexico
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16-02 |
Smoking bans have helped cut Scottish childhood smoking uptake by a fifth
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16-02 |
Peer-led interventions to prevent tobacco, alcohol and/or drug use among young people aged 11–21 years
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16-02 |
Prevalence, correlates and patterns of waterpipe smoking among secondary school students in southeast London
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16-01 |
Adolescent girls and young adult women's perceptions of superslims cigarette packaging
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16-01 |
Impact of advertisements promoting candy-like flavoured e-cigarettes on appeal of tobacco smoking among children
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16-01 |
Does promoting parents’ negative attitudes to underage drinking reduce adolescents’ drinking?
Drugs |
16-01 |
Social isolation, drunkenness, and cigarette use among adolescents
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16-01 |
Being well-liked predicts increased use of alcohol but not tobacco in early adolescence
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16-01 |
The Impact of Tobacco-Free School Policies on Youth Smoking Rates in Florida Public School Districts
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16-01 |
Secondhand smoke exposure common among students
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16-01 |
Are IQ and educational outcomes in teenagers related to their cannabis use?
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16-01 |
Interventions for prevention and treatment of tobacco smoking in school-aged children and adolescents
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16-01 |
A qualitative study on Canadian youth’s perspectives of peers who smoke: an opportunity for health promotion
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16-01 |
Perceptions of Alcohol Use by Friends Compared to Peers: Associations with Middle Adolescents' Own Use
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16-01 |
Characteristics of Child Maltreatment and Adolescent Marijuana Use
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16-01 |
Cigarette smoking susceptibility among youth alternate tobacco product users: implications of flavoured tobacco from a national cross-sectional Canadian sample
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15-12 |
Smoking and drinking are increasingly seen as socially unacceptable among younger teenagers
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15-12 |
Drug use trends remain stable or decline among US teens and more believe marijuana isn't harmful
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15-12 |
Relationship Between Current Substance Use and Unhealthy Weight Loss Practices Among Adolescents
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15-12 |
Relationship Between Current Substance Use and Unhealthy Weight Loss Practices Among Adolescents
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15-12 |
Adolescents’ responses to the promotion and flavouring of e-cigarettes
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15-12 |
Witnessing substance use increases same-day antisocial behavior among at-risk adolescents
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15-12 |
Prioritizing Alcohol Prevention: Establishing Alcohol as the Gateway Drug and Linking Age of First Drink With Illicit Drug Use
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15-12 |
Relations Among Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms and Drinking Frequency During Adolescence
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15-12 |
Tobacco retail outlet density and risk of youth smoking in New Zealand.
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15-11 |
Alcohol Marketing on Twitter and Instagram: Evidence of Directly Advertising to Youth/Adolescents
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15-11 |
Self-Perceived Weight and Anabolic Steroid Misuse Among US Adolescent Boys
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15-11 |
Binge drinking among 12-year-old adolescent schoolchildren and its association with sex, socioeconomic factors and alcohol consumption by best friends and family members
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15-11 |
Cannabis Liberalization and Adolescent Cannabis Use
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15-11 |
Age at smoking initiation and self-rated health among second grade high school boys and girls in Scania, Sweden
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15-11 |
School personnel smoking, school-level policies, and adolescent smoking in low- and middle-income countries
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15-11 |
Does the social context of early alcohol use affect risky drinking in adolescents?
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15-11 |
Teenage perceptions of electronic cigarettes in Scottish tobacco-education school interventions: co-production and innovative engagement through a pop-up radio project
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15-11 |
Ecological Momentary Assessment of the Association Between Exposure to Alcohol Advertising and Early Adolescents' Beliefs About Alcohol
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15-11 |
Interaction of smoking and obesity susceptibility loci on adolescent BMI
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15-11 |
Being lonely or using substances with friends? A cross-sectional study of Hungarian adolescents' health risk behaviours. |
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15-10 |
The effects of narrative versus non-narrative information in school health education about alcohol drinking for low educated adolescents
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15-10 |
Past 15-year trends in adolescent marijuana use: Differences by race/ethnicity and sex
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15-10 |
Sociodemographic risk factors of alcohol drinking in Hong Kong adolescents
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15-10 |
Group motivational interviewing in schools: Development of a health promotion intervention
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15-10 |
Factors associated with the prevalence of adolescent binge drinking in the urban areas of Greater Manchester
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15-10 |
Change in Adolescents’ Alcohol-Use Patterns, From Non-Drinking to Non-Heavy Drinking or Heavy Drinking
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15-09 |
Increase of alcohol abuse in early maturing girls in Sweden
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15-09 |
Children and e-cigarettes
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15-09 |
Binge Drinking in the US
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15-09 |
A time series analysis of alcohol-related presentations to emergency departments in Queensland following the increase in alcopops tax |
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15-09 |
Child and adolescent exposure to alcohol advertising in Australia's major televised sports
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15-09 |
‘We don’t get taught enough.’ An assessment of drug education provision in schools in England.
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15-09 |
Parental Supervision and Alcohol Abuse Among Adolescent Girls
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15-09 |
Association of asthma with obesity among adolescents exposed to environmental tobacco smoke
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15-09 |
Energy Drinks, Alcohol, Sports and Traumatic Brain Injuries among Adolescents
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15-09 |
School smoking policies and educational inequalities in smoking behaviour of adolescents aged 14–17 years in Europe
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15-09 |
The Reciprocal Relation Between Adolescents’ School Engagement and Alcohol Consumption, and the Role of Parental Support
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15-09 |
Are homeschooled adolescents less likely to use alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs?
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15-09 |
Can six lessons over 2 years in school on alcohol really affect the age that teenagers start drinking?
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15-09 |
Solitary cannabis use in adolescence as a correlate and predictor of cannabis problems
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15-08 |
Cigarette Use by Turkish Adolescents and Its Links to Strain, Depression, and Anger
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15-08 |
Gestational Alcohol Exposure and Other Factors Associated With Continued Teenage Drinking
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15-08 |
Binge Drinking, Cannabis and Tobacco Use Among Ethnic Norwegian and Ethnic Minority Adolescents in Oslo, Norway.
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15-08 |
Students' unchanging smoking habits in urban and rural areas over the last 15 years
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15-08 |
Synthetic Cannabinoid Abuse in Adolescents
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15-08 |
The Developmental Relationship Between Depressive Symptoms in Adolescence and Harmful Drinking in Emerging Adulthood: The Role of Peers and Parents
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15-08 |
A Dynamic Model of Adolescent Friendship Networks, Parental Influences, and Smoking
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15-08 |
E-Cigarettes: A Review of New Trends in Cannabis Use
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15-08 |
Adolescent (Mis)Perceptions About Nicotine Addiction
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15-08 |
Electronic cigarette use in young people in Great Britain 2013–2014
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15-08 |
Teen Marijuana Use Not Linked to Later Depression, Lung Cancer, Other Health Problems
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15-08 |
Girls were more likely than boys to have ever smoked (28 per cent and 21 per cent respectively)
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15-07 |
E-Cigarette use among children and young people: the need for regulation
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15-07 |
More pupils in England aged between 11 and 15 have tried electronic cigarettes than have tried smoking [regular use of e-cigarettes is 1% p.27]
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15-07 |
Only half of 11-15 year olds say schools give enough information about drinking and drugs
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15-07 |
Alcohol harm-reduction intervention on adolescents : an analysis effects on higher risk pupils who had already drunk without adult supervision
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15-07 |
The impact of early life stress on risk of tobacco smoking initiation by adolescents.
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15-07 |
Teenage smoking behaviour following a high-school smoking ban in Chile
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15-07 |
Individual, school-related and family characteristics distinguish co-occurrence of drinking and depressive symptoms in very young adolescents
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15-07 |
What Role Do Changes in the Demographic Composition Play in the Declining Trends in Alcohol Consumption and the Increase of Non-drinkers Among Swedish Youth?
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15-06 |
The Effectiveness of the Life Skills Program IPSY for the Prevention of Adolescent Tobacco Use
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15-06 |
Individual, school-related and family characteristics distinguish co-occurrence of drinking and depressive symptoms in very young adolescents
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15-06 |
What are the main sources of smoking cessation support used by adolescent smokers in England?
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15-06 |
Recent trends in children's exposure to second-hand smoke in England
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15-06 |
Trends in the co-occurrence of tobacco and cannabis use in 15-year-olds from 2002 to 2010 in 28 countries of Europe and North America
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15-06 |
One-Year Effects of Project EX in Spain: A Classroom-Based Smoking Prevention and Cessation Intervention Program
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15-06 |
Medical marijuana laws and adolescent marijuana use in the USA from 1991 to 2014
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15-06 |
Children aged 11 to 16 who have never smoked do not regularly use e-cigarettes
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15-06 |
Risk and Protective Factors for Cigarette Use in Young Adolescents in a School Setting: What Could Be Done Better?
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15-05 |
Cannabis use can be prevented, reduced or delayed : school-based intervention
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15-05 |
Explaining Adolescents’ Delinquency and Substance Use
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15-05 |
Adolescent drinking could be driven by altered DNA
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15-05 |
Smoking marijuana may cause early puberty and stunts growth in boys
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15-05 |
E-cigarette use by US teens triples
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15-05 |
Adolescent alcohol use and participation in organised activities: A mixed methods study of British young people
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15-04 |
Health-Related Strains and Subsequent Delinquency and Marijuana Use
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15-04 |
Details of police records of drug seizures in schools 2011-2014
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15-04 |
Do parents play different roles in drinking behaviours of male and female adolescents?
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15-04 |
Electronic-cigarette use among young people in Wales: evidence from two cross-sectional surveys
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15-04 |
Comprehensive approach to improving schools-based alcohol and drug education needed
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15-04 |
Parental Awareness of Substance Use Among Adolescents in a Junior High School Sample
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15-04 |
E-cigarette use triples among middle and high school students in just one year ... and ...Parents Are Integral in Stopping Rise as Teen E-Cigarette Usage Triples
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15-04 |
Alcohol Use in Films and Adolescent Alcohol Use
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15-04 |
Alcohol Prevention and School Students: Findings From an Australian 2-Year Trial of Integrated Harm Minimization School Drug Education
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15-04 |
A Web-Based Intervention to Prevent Drug Abuse Among Adolescent Girls... and ... journal |
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15-04 |
Dangers of adolescent energy drink consumption for the heart
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15-04 |
Should I let my children try alcohol?
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15-04 |
Associations between e-cigarette access and smoking and drinking behaviours in teenagers
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15-04 |
Decreases in adolescent weekly alcohol use in Europe and North America: evidence from 28 countries from 2002 to 2010
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15-04 |
Cluster-randomized trial of a German leisure-based alcohol peer education measure
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15-04 |
Alcohol Use among Adolescent Youth: The Role of Friendship Networks and Family Factors in Multiple School Studies
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15-04 |
A Web-Based, Computer-Tailored Smoking Prevention Program to Prevent Children From Starting to Smoke After Transferring to Secondary School
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15-04 |
Effectiveness of school-based smoking prevention curricula
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15-04 |
Cigarette Smoking Trajectories From Sixth to Twelfth Grade: Associated Substance Use and High School Dropout.
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15-04 |
Adolescents’ perception of substance use and factors influencing its use: a qualitative study in Abu Dhabi
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15-04 |
Exploring comorbid use of marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol among 14 to 15-year-olds: findings from a national survey on adolescent substance use
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15-04 |
Delinquency and alcohol use among adolescents in Europe: The role of cultural contexts
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15-04 |
Antidepressants and the adolescent brain
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15-04 |
Cross-sectional data on alcohol and marijuana use and sexual behavior among male and female secondary school students in New Providence, The Bahamas
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15-04 |
Youth exposure to in-vehicle second-hand smoke and their smoking behaviours: trends and associations in repeated national surveys
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15-04 |
Substance misuse and its risk perception in European teenagers
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15-04 |
16% of teen e-cig users said they had never smoked conventional cigarettes
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15-03 |
Concerns raised about increased e-cigarette use in teenagers
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15-03 |
Reward-Related Attentional Bias and Adolescent Substance Use: A Prognostic Relationship?
Drugs |
15-03 |
Decreases in adolescent weekly alcohol use in Europe and North America: evidence from 28 countries from 2002 to 2010
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15-03 |
Teenage cannabis users have poor long-term memory in adulthood
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15-03 |
Antidepressants have sexual side effects in teens, too... and ...extract from publication
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15-03 |
Is there a link between per capita alcohol consumption and youth drinking in Sweden?
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15-03 |
Building resilience and character in young people - Mentor ADEPIS
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15-03 |
Examining the impact of changes in school tobacco control policies and programs on current smoking and susceptibility to future smoking among youth in the first two years of the COMPASS study: looking back to move forward
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15-03 |
Average alcohol consumption rose considerably in adolescence, after this, it decreased, until it started to level off in mid-life, and then finally decreased again from age 60
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15-03 |
Electronic Cigarette Use and Exposure in the Pediatric Population
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15-02 |
Family-based programmes for preventing smoking by children and adolescents
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15-02 |
What are parents doing to reduce adolescent alcohol misuse? Evaluating concordance with parenting guidelines for adolescent alcohol use
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15-02 |
Drugs : Articles from the Education and Health journal
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15-02 |
Opinions and beliefs held by Spanish teenagers regarding tobacco and alcohol consumption
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15-02 |
Adolescent cannabis and tobacco use and educational outcomes at age 16
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15-02 |
Marijuana use level, e-cigarettes a concern US adolescents
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15-02 |
Adolescents’ and young adults’ perceptions of electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation: A focus group study
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15-01 |
Cued Recall of Alcohol Advertising on Television and Underage Drinking Behavior
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15-01 |
Adolescents’ Perceptions of Light and Intermittent Smoking in the US
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15-01 |
Drinking Motives Mediate Cultural Differences but Not Gender Differences in Adolescent Alcohol Use
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15-01 |
A longitudinal study of the association of adolescent polydrug use, alcohol use and high school non-completion
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15-01 |
Comparison of Peer Education and the Classic Training Method for School Aged Children Regarding Smoking and its Dangers
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15-01 |
Exposure to point-of-sale displays and changes in susceptibility to smoking
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