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SHEU: The Schools and Students Health Education Unit
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Systematic review and meta-analysis comparing educational and reminder digital interventions for promoting HPV vaccination uptake
Systematic review and meta-analysis comparing educational and reminder digital interventions for promoting HPV vaccination uptake
aged 11-16
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Cross-sectional associations of schoolchildren’s fruit and vegetable consumption, and meal choices, with their mental well-being: a cross-sectional study
Physical behaviors of 12-15 year-old adolescents in 54 low- and middle-income countries: Results from the Global School-based Student Health Survey
Driving behaviors and related factors on emerging adults: a narrative review
Association between Health-Related Quality of Life, Mental Health and Academic Performance among Adolescent Students
Outcomes of a Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Intervention among Sexual and Gender Minority Youth Living in a Socially Conservative U.S. State
Social Media in the Time of a Pandemic
Strategies of youth engagement in health promotion: listening sessions, task force participation, surveys and other strategies
Delivering substance use prevention interventions for adolescents in educational settings: A scoping review
Online Review Analysis Perception of Source Reliability on E-Cigarettes from the Perspective of Health Education among College Students in Chengdu, Sichuan
An application of a series of theory-based educational intervention based on the health belief model on skin cancer prevention behaviors in female high school students
Capturing the whole-school food environment in primary schools
Understanding health inequalities for young people who are care experienced
Exploring economic and health interventions to support adolescents resilience and coping in mining communities: A scoping review
Sexual Health Education Experiences and Recommendations from the Perspective of LGBTQ+ Youth
Physical education and its influence on student mental health
Beyond growth mindset: Exploring John Henryism and academic task engagement in higher education
Sleep and Self-Regulation: A Longitudinal Analysis Across Adolescence
The development and cross-national validation of the short health literacy for school-aged children (HLSAC-5) instrument
Strategies for Encouraging Children to Be Physically Active to Improve Health for Life
Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Ireland: A Childrens Rights Perspective
¿Y tu novio? Wheres Your Boyfriend?: A Cultural-Ecological Analysis of Latinas Narratives of Teen Dating Experiences
The development and cross-national validation of the short health literacy for school-aged children (HLSAC-5) instrument
The effect of structured health promotion education given to adolescents on health literacy and health-promoting behaviors
Identity Matters for Well-Being: The Longitudinal Associations Between Identity Processes and Well-Being in Adolescents with Different Cultural Backgrounds
Adolescents' Cannabis Knowledge and Risk Perception: A Systematic Review
Social media influencers and adolescents health: A scoping review of the research field
Developing Quality PSHE in Secondary Schools and Colleges
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