
SHEU : nationally-recognised, since 1977,
as the specialist provider of reliable local survey data about young people's health and wellbeing


  Reports are written using data derived from the Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire surveys and can come from a sample of at least 629,000  young people between the ages of 12-13, 14-15 from across the UK. Some reports also contain data from 10-11 year olds.


Click on the individual reports for a summary of that report.


FOOD: Now and Then - Young People's Food Choices
An e-report has data from the Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire with some trends from 1983-2010. Topics include: breakfast, lunch, attitudes to weight, attitudes to food types, drinking water, snacking and considering healthy food options

Trends - Illegal Drugs

Price: £5 An e-report from

Young People and Illegal Drugs:
Attitudes to and experience of illegal drugs 1987-2008

… contains data from the Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire surveys. It uses a sample of 629,328 young people between the ages of 10-15.
Trends - Illegal Drugs
Price: £10 incl. p&p
Young People's Food Choices:
Attitudes to healthy eating and weight control: 1983-2007

…contains data from the Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire surveys. It uses a sample of 548,780 young people between the ages of 10-15. The report covers 13 topics: Nothing at all to eat for breakfast, cooked breakfast, cereal for breakfast, just a drink for breakfast, had no schoolday lunch, ate school lunch, ate a packed lunch, went home for lunch, ate fresh fruit on most days, ate chips or roast potatoes on most days, ate crisps on most days, consider health when choosing food, want to lose weight.
Trends - Food Choices
Price: £10 incl. p&p
Young People and Smoking:
Attitudes to cigarettes: 1983-2007

… contains data from the Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire surveys. It uses a sample of 548,780 young people between the ages of 10-15. The report covers 13 topics...
Trends - Smoking
Price: £10 incl. p&p

Young People & Leisure:
Attitudes to and experience of leisure activities: 1983-2005

This report from the Schools Health Education Unit, written using data from the Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire surveys. The report uses a sample of 448,124 young people between the ages of 10 and 15 from across the UK.

Young People & Money:
Attitudes to earning, spending and saving money: 1983-2004

This report, nearly 40 printed A4 pages - comb bound, contains data from the Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire surveys. It uses a sample of 370,049 young people between the ages of 12-15. There are 25 easy-to-read charts covering the following topics: Having a regular paid job during term time, working more than 5 hours during the previous week, regular paid term-time jobs, average amounts earned from regular paid work ‘last week’, average weekly amount of pocket money, average total weekly income, putting money into a saving scheme, amount of money spent during past week, amount spent on sweets, recorded music, cigarettes, clothes & footwear, computer games, alcohol, fast food and cosmetics.
Trends - Money
Young People and Alcohol:
Attitudes to drinking: 1983-2001

. comb bound, contains data from the Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire surveys. It uses a sample of 299,543 young people between the ages of 12-15. The report covers 13 topics...
Trends - Alcohol
Young People and Emotional Health and Well-Being:
(including Bullying) 1983-2003

. comb bound, contains data from the Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire surveys. It uses a sample of 373,355 young people between the ages of 12-15 (10-11 bullying). The report covers 17 topics...
Trends - Emotional Health & Well-Being
Young People and Physical Activity:
Attitudes to and participation in exercise and sport 1987-2003

. comb bound, contains data from the Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire surveys. It uses a sample of 329,408 young people between the ages of 10-15. The report covers 19 sports...
Trends - Physical Activity