Who commissions SHEU surveys? Local Authorities/Public Health / DrugsTeams / Local Authorities/Children's Services / Schools / Colleges

Who completes SHEU surveys? Pupils and Students / Parents/Carers / Staff


Who commissions SHEU surveys?

Public Health

Public Health Teams, Health and Wellbeing Boards, Community Health Partnerships (CHP) and Local Health Boards (LHB) use our services to provide base-line data about the health related behaviour of young people in their area. Often, in partnership with other agencies, people in Public Health  use the results to inform their programme and service planning.

Directors of Public Health often take the lead on the collecting of data for local needs assessment and health promotion and our services support their work including results in the Director's Annual Reports.

The report 'Supporting the Health of Young People in Your Area' is an example of how the survey results can support your work and inform you and your partners.

[More information for Public Health]

Drugs teams

We have worked hard to ensure that our secondary questionnaires provide the type of information that is useful to Drug Action Teams. Our general questionnaire V23 has been scrutinised by a number of DAT partners for its validity and usefulness. The resulting data are now finding their way, more than ever before, into DATs Young People's Substance Misuse Plans. Repeat survey strategies are being identified in order to monitor behaviour.

[More information for DATs]


Local Authorities have commissioned SHEU surveys to support:

  • Healthy Schools Programme
  • PSHE and Citizenship work
  • Baseline and monitoring information for Joint Area Reviews
  • Partnership working with Public Health

Over the years many local authorities have used our nationally recognised survey services to provide robust local data. They include:


Barnet Blackburn with Darwen Bromley
Camden Chorley Derbyshire
Derwentside Dudley Ealing
East Sussex Essex Devon
Guernsey Hartlepool Herefordshire
Hertfordshire Knowsley Leicester City
Lewisham Luton Manchester
Milton Keynes North Yorkshire Peterborough
Solihull Stockport  

You can see an example of the type of summary report we currently produce for the authorities commissioning our services. Schools and colleges involved receive a comprehensive set of data and a comparative report about their own students which is a valuable resource for curriculum planning for school's OFSTED self evaluation forms and college's healthy college development.

The database that arises from our survey work provides information, valuable for Joint Area Reviews, that is also shared among joint commissioning bodies, as well as Healthy School and College programmes. Commissions have been made, separately or together, in connection with:

Joint Area Reviews Children and Young People's Plans (CYPP)
Healthy Schools Teenage Pregnancy
Children's Services PSHE
Education Services Drug Action Teams
Children's Trusts  
and work with Public Health and Primary Care Trusts

A repeat survey strategy is being used to reflect the changing nature of the needs of the local young population and support local plans as they develop.

If you would like one of my team to attend a meeting to explain our surveys and to answer any specific questions you may have, please let us know directly:

Angela Balding
Survey Manager
T: 01392 667272
E: angela.balding@sheu.org.uk


We have versions for early primary and later primary pupils.

A longer and more thorough questionnaire can be designed for secondary-age pupils.


Since 2000, SHEU has been developing services for FE & 6th Form Colleges. A student survey instrument has been successfully trailed and piloted with Colleges. A free online survey has been offered to colleges. A confidential databank is developing and currently holds information from students about their attitudes and lifestyle behaviours in relation to health. This unique resource enables comparisons to be made across a range of questions. Not only would colleges have information with regard to your students you may also have comparative, anonymous data from students in your region or elsewhere.

[More information for Colleges]

Who completes SHEU surveys?

Pupils and Students

Since 1977, over a million questionnaires have been completed by young people with SHEU. 

"I've never looked at myself before", said one.

Our questionnaires are all designed for a specific group:

  • Early Primary
  • Later Primary
  • Secondary
  • Sixth Form and FE College students
  • HE and University Students

Parents and carers

Our parent surveys have mostly been perception surveys rather than lifestyle surveys, although we have done both.
They can be completed on paper or online, and can be customised to suit your situation.


We have carried out work with staff wellbeing: for instance, see our example staff wellbeing survey.

Frequently Asked Questions - Schools and Colleges

Online survey: clear, friendly, responsive

Responses from questionnaires are stored in our databanks

Pupils and students can still complete on paper, if you prefer

Questionnaires are fetched by secure courier and logged in the SHEU offices

Questions are composed collaboratively with clients and designed with the pupils and students in mind

Why survey?
What questions can we ask?
What do we get back?
How much does it cost?
Who gets to see the results?
What about child protection?
Why survey?
Why this survey?
If a school’s teaching staff can obtain reliable information about the behaviour of pupils in areas related to their healthy development, they can redesign courses in health education to make them more relevant to current needs.
Teachers’ beliefs about the way of life of the youngsters in their charge can be  based on unrepresentative knowledge of those familiar to them, or distorted reporting through the media or the grapevine. The questionnaire, by making it possible to have a more objective picture, has resulted in the following outcomes:

  • Timing of courses may be changed
  • Courses or lessons may be dropped from programmes
  • New courses or lessons may be designed
  • Recent survey material is often used as a focus in class
  • Useful outside support for work is often identified
  • The selection of methods and materials may be influenced
  • Deciding on priorities for action for Healthy Schools programme
  • Use of results in writing SEF and use of SHEU surveys quoted by OFSTED

What questions can we ask?
We have a variety of off-the-shelf questionnaires, from short pupil perceptions surveys to longer lifestyle surveys, and we can customise each of them to make sure you are asking exactly the questions for which you need answers.
What do we get back?
We will show you all your results for every question, usually broken down by age and sex. We can produce charts too, if you like. All these results can be seen immediately if you are using the online survey.
We can also show you your results compared with other schools from your local area, with results from your previous surveys, or with a twinned school from another country!
Click on a thumbnail picture to see a larger version in a new window.
Image Image  Image  Image
We have designed a special report designed to support completion of your School Self-Evaluation Form for OFSTED .
If you want a different sort of report, let us know!
How much does it cost?
Prices can can from less than £100 to carry out a primary school parent perception survey online, to the best part of £1000 to do a full lifestyle survey using questionnaire booklets with secondary school pupils in two year groups.
We will work hard to accommodate your needs inside your budget: give us a call!
Costs can be reduced by using a shorter questionnaire, asking fewer subjects, doing the survey online and using an existing questionnaire.
If we give you an estimate, there will be no hidden extras like set-up fees or airport taxes to pay.
Who gets to see the results?
Online survey results are protected by a password that we will give you but that you can change.  If you change it, no-one at SHEU can tell what it is!  (But if you forget it, we can give you a new one.)
On paper, we will normally send a single copy of the tables and a single copy of the comparison report by post.  We can send anything by email if you would prefer.
If you are taking part in a district survey, you may have an agreement with the commissioners that selected people on their staff will get a copy of your results which they must treat as confidential.
No-one gets to see pupils' answers.
What about child protection?
If any pupil's answers raise child protection concerns, we will of course let you know.
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