An example staff survey

We carried out a customised staff survey recently and this document explains the approach.

All staff were invited to take part in a well-being survey.  The questions were devised by the school with our advice on wording and layout.

The survey included questions on:

  • job satisfaction,
  • work-life balance,
  • support and services for staff,
  • communication and consultation in school,
  • participation in processes and events,
  • support and barriers to well-being,
  • opportunities for relaxation e.g. yoga,
  • ...and other related issues.

The survey was completed by 30 people, including teaching staff, learning support staff, and non-teaching staff.

An example of the results sent back included:

Do you feel there is a genuine commitment to staff health and well being from...?

  Yes No Don't know More than one response
/written response
Senior management 57% 13% 30% 0%
Governing body 13% 20% 63% 3%
Your colleagues 93% 0% 7% 0%

We can also generate charts for you:

Do you feel there is a genuine commitment to staff health and well being from...?

BOX57.png BOX13.png Box93.png
Senior management Governing body Your colleagues