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Dr. David Regis - Research Manager
Dr. David Regis - Research Manager
David Regis is the Research Manager at SHEU and is your first point of contact for all enquiries about our reports and research services.
Please email David or contact by telephone on 01392 667272.
David first came to SHEU in 1986, after spending some years teaching biology, to study for a research degree - 'Self-concept and conformity in theories of health education', 1990, University of Exeter. (Ph.D).
An evaluation of the Schools Health Education Unit, shortly after his arrival, reported that "a student has attached himself to the Unit", which made him feel like a barnacle. His attachment to SHEU is clearly still strong, and he currently holds the post of Research Manager.
David has responsibility for aggregating the data that SHEU holds, for keeping the unruly herd of computers that we own in order, and is increasingly in demand by the media for comments about SHEU's findings, although he wishes the media were more positive in their comments about young people.
When not at work, David battles with his garden, delights in the natural history of Devon and publishes the occasional booklet on chess.