David McGeorge - E&H Editor, Manager of Marketing and Publications

David McGeorge - E&H Editor, Manager of Marketing and Publications

David came to SHEU in 2000 after working and gaining professional and academic qualifications in: health, research, education and marketing.

He was responsible for the unique monthly #SHEUres Health and Wellbeing Research News emails and their archives.  An audit, with education and health professionals, showed that the research emails were highly praised. Other marketing activities included developing the customer database, web site, updating the resources and direct-mail approaches (for example SHEUNews and the Health Research postcard series), that attract people from around the world who are interested in the work of SHEU.

David edited, published and marketed the quarterly online open access journal Education and Health. Feedback from contributors show they have a positive experience, would recommend the journal to other potential contributors and find the editor to be efficient and helpful. David also managed the annual Young People in... report, the Trends series, SHEUBytes, the SHEU Literature Search Resource and an occasional monograph.


