The curious incident of young people's reaction to the re-classification of cannabis - "Is there any point to which you would wish to draw my attention?" "To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time." "The dog did nothing in the night-time." "That was the curious incident," remarked Sherlock Holmes. From the story ‘Silver Blaze’, in The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
Recent survey findings, from the bereavement charity the Amy and Tom project and Co-operative Funeralcare, found that seven in ten schools surveyed said they lacked sufficient resources and access to services to support these vulnerable pupils affected by bereavement. The poll of almost 100 UK schools found 57% of bereaved pupils had difficulty joining in group activities or debates. The schools surveyed had an average of two children bereaved each year.
Using new data from over 516,000 young people we are updating the Trends reports that have data from 1983. |
OFSTED consultation - SHEU's response Part 1 questions Q1. Do you agree with this view of schools’ accountability for well-being? AGREE Comments The model of providing schools with their own data to compare against a local profile is one SHEU has practised for over 30 years. SHEU also welcomes the positive effect the approach would have on raising the profile of well-being in schools.
In January 2006 we sent the first Health News about 16+ a free, monthly news email with Internet links to information about 16+ year old's health and behaviour chosen from our databanks and the Internet. Since then we have added two more free, monthly emails so that we now cover news about young people ranging from around 5 -16+ year olds.
Over 100,000 school pupils completed the Schools Health Education Unit’s (SHEU) Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire survey in 2008. Over 75,000 pupils were in the key year groups of 6,8 and 10.
Dr David Regis, SHEU Research Manager says:
"Local commissioning" is a commonly used phrase, and our political parties all seem agreed that it's a good idea (as witnessed in their various annual conferences this month). But how can you apply that concept to health promotion for young people?
An unusual event occurred in July as we said goodbye to two long serving staff members.
Di Bish retired and Dan Hawkins moved on. They are pictured with SHEU founder John Balding.
(Reprinted from the Somerset Healthy Schools Newsletter)
"On March 31st Dr Kath Wilson, Somerset's Healthy Schools Coordinator is retiring. The team and those many people (including colleagues at SHEU) who have worked with her and benefited from her tireless support will sorely miss her.