
Thursday, May 19, 2011 - 08:08

"The relationship between depression level and smoking motives in college smokers."

One example from new research on the Internet about health issues relating to young people (16+ year olds).

Please follow this link to find more research links about 16+ year olds


Tell colleagues to visit the other SHEU research resources (about 5-11) and (about 11-16) yr. olds.


Friday, May 13, 2011 - 15:55

We've been using postcards for many years as a way of attracting attention to our survey and research services. The postcards use several illustrations from Brighton-based designer Karen Donnelly   They remain very popular and have enabled thousands of people to join our research emailing services and discover more about SHEU surveys.

Friday, May 6, 2011 - 12:50

We have great pleasure in announcing that the archive of ‘Education and Health’  articles has been put online:
The journal was first published in 1983 and the archive is up-to-date (as of Spring 2011) and you can read any of the articles for free as a PDF*. We hope search engines will be able to index the PDFs in their usual manner, and enable you to search the articles on all our web pages; meanwhile, you can search on any word or name you wish. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 - 12:22

We are very used to producing reports for schools, local authorities, public health departments and the public. 

What is a bit more unusual is to be asked to produce a report for primary pupils.  However, always willing, we've had a go for one school, and having got a model that we (and the pupils) were happy with, we can now offer this as a service to all schools.

The brief was:

  • A summary of the school's results
  • Simple enough for most pupils to access
  • Eye-catching
  • Pupil-friendly

See what you think! 

Monday, April 4, 2011 - 12:34

It's been a sad week as many of our friends and colleagues lost their jobs in local authorities at the end of March. 

The energy and momentum of the Healthy Schools programme was inspiring and we hope that the networks that have been created around the country and the lessons learned over the last ten years will be preserved.

Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 09:32

We were pleased and interested to see Elizabeth Ettorre, previously a member of our Advisory Group, talking about her new book:

Revisioning Women and Drug Use

in a short video:,-drugs,-resea...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011 - 12:19

Article (and namecheck) by Johann Hari:

See also:


Thursday, January 27, 2011 - 14:06

I expect you are familiar with the admonishment from TV programmes, "Don't try this at home!".  What you are watching is for professionals, who know what they are doing, but if you try it, you might make a mess of it, and that is dangerous.  If you're watching Mythbusters or Brainiac, making a mess of it might involve some nasty burns at the very least.  But what about survey work, surely that's harmless enough?  Well, let me share some thoughts with you.

Friday, January 21, 2011 - 13:18

"Happy is the man who can make a living by his hobby!", said GBS, but typically there's not a lot of overlap between my day job in health and education and my pastime of chess.

Then two come along at once :)

My colleague David McGeorge called to my attention to some research about going second, which looked at penalty shoot-outs and the game of chess.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 - 12:03

Consultants, I believe, are fond of saying, "If you can't measure it, you can't manage it," and I have a lot of sympathy with that view. So, while Government target-setting may be reduced, the need for recent, local figures is not.
